I suppose I am just being nostalgic but it is good for me to remember those who have gone on from this existence. They were all different in their ways but in all cases they were special to me. This isn't one of those only the good die young posts. This is one of those I really miss too many of the people that helped shape my life and brought the joy out in me. That is what this post is about. Those that are no more too soon for me anyway. I will be selfish here and admit that I am thinking about how I feel about this and not anyone else. I know how I feel while I don't exactly know how others feel. I also suppose what irks me is that too many that are unworthy of a special consideration in my life are still here.
So instead of being surrounded by the best people I knew I am less so now. So many bad people in my life are no more but they were banished long ago because once I am thrown under the bus so to speak I don't let that possibility ever happen again. So it isn't that I am surrounded by more bad people it is that I have less good ones to share life with. Going through life from the early days until now opened up lots of scenarios where the people I could interact with showed who they were. Nowadays it is harder to meet people in interesting situations because I am older and more set in my ways of dull and boring happiness. Gone are the days of adventure and discovery so my life is pretty much defined now.
I am still able to meet new people occasionally but the meeting is more perfunctory than energetically hubristic. I find that getting to know good people needs to involve them in situations where happiness and hope are options. When someone new allows you to see them at their core and the core is bright and shining then goodness will flow. I have had the good fortune in my life to meet people like this and now that many are gone there is a void in me that is not ever easily replaced. I again suppose that it is the nature of mortality, we get what we get for a short time in relative terms and then when what we got is no more then that is our reality. I don't like that fact and apparently I am lamenting it here.
This blog will be an advocate for compassion, curiosity and human survival. When these elements of human nature are being denied, wholly, severally or individually, less than positive human traits are the outcome. It is my wish and hope that my reasonings on a variety of subjects will provide the readers of this blog with personal and public insights. My only motive is to provide a forum for advancing enlightenment. Carl Clark.
Friday, February 28, 2025
(#5871) I miss so many good people
Thursday, February 27, 2025
(#5870 Canada and Mexico have been good allies, trump? Not so much...
I am done trying to tell you people who voted for trump how bad he is because you don't listen. So now we all get to see just how right the rest of us were about him. You especially because you seem surprised by his actions toward everyone except the extremely wealthy. There is a derangement within trump that is obvious to those of us who literally see and hear him talk and act. He is not some savant that is beyond understanding he is an idiot who is cruel and sadistic. He loves being the center of attention within his club of wealthy. It makes him feel whole somehow. Like I said, deranged.
The rest of us are insignificant because we are not wealthy and individually powerful. So our neighbors to the north and south are in the category with the rest of us, insignificant. Which is why trump does not care what happens to them like he doesn't care about 97% of Americans. So like us, he will vilify them for the sake of his vanity. While he is at it he will also try to undermine them and take from them because he knows that it will impress the dictators he admires and the psycho/sociopathic among his wealthy group. He, trump, needs lauding. He craves attention like the young child who cannot stop saying look at me.
When it comes to trump and his unhealthy behavior and character in life, I will not be led around by his deranged outlook that savors pain and suffering as a cost for his egoistic benefit. I will always stand with those who are not harming but are being harmed. Much like Ukraine. Where trump is pushing the narrative that Ukraine is at fault and putin is the victim. Canada and Mexico are our allies and a message to them from me anyway is to find a way to survive trump, much like a lot of us here in America and then embrace any chance you can justifiably participate in to move past the most egregious president that has ever been allowed to lead the United States of America.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
(#5869) We must now plan for near future Universal health care
It is now just the Senate that is left to block the trump devastation of Medicaid. With 53 lackey republican senators it seems likely that medicaid is done for. If that does come to bear then when the next voting time comes in 2026 we must have already started advocating for a universal health care plan. Making lemonade from lemons is the concept here. Once Medicaid is officially gutted by republicans the only other way forward back from that damage is to finally break the current American health care mold and replace it with what 32 other civilized countries have done and install a universal health care system.
One that involves all Americans for equal health care coverage. Ushering in a universal health care plan would finally end the middle man insurance profiteer that currently only adds to the high cost of health care. Health care coverage would then be decided by doctors and patients what is necessary with no more denials based upon corporate profit. If Medicaid and even parts of Medicare are destroyed by republicans then we democrats must take their destruction and create something even better when we retake control of our democracy. We must have a plan in place ready to campaign on when the republicans do their dirty deed.
There is one thing I know for sure and it is that no matter how awful the republicans behave we democrats will outsmart them in the end. The reason is that republicans are only good at hurting people while we democrats are real good at finding solutions to help people. Whatever the republicans do in this presidential term we democrats will repair it with not only a solution but an improvement. In this case getting to universal health care is primed up with how republicans are going to leave tens of millions of folks with no health care coverage. We democrats must begin our strategy now and have at least an outline for the moment the Medicaid and Medicare undercutting begins. Right now is the time for the planning of universal health care!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
(#5868) Other than hatred and fear, liberals and conservatives have much in common
For the most part we liberals err on the side of caution. Which at times makes us look like we are coddling too many who conservatives think should be forced to fend for themselves. What I think conservatives fail to realize is that, although we liberals do make a few mistakes on help, we liberals understand that life is not equitable and fair for everyone. We liberals take the stance that where inequality and injustice are factors we try to alleviate that with equity. Conservatives see that and cry foul. They want their share of whatever equity is prescribed to the underprivileged and downtrodden as if they themselves are underprivileged and downtrodden.
Historical racism and prejudice need a prescription for healing regardless of those conservatives who cannot see that difference. Slavery, like genocide, are the most horrendous acts of human behavior. Those acts of inequality are deeply ingrained into the psyche of those afflicted. To bring these class of folks back from the darkest past a race or creed of folks could endure requires an understanding that conservatives are unwilling to dwell upon. Let bygones be bygones is their mantra in those few moments they actually acknowledge the events. We liberals on the other hand know that a cure is required for that bruised and battered psyche so we set out an attempt to show we care.
I have come to this conclusion recently and it does make sense when filtered through the lens that blocks out hatred and fear. Conservatives and liberals are much closer to each other than they think. Because we both start from the middle and slowly work toward either end of the spectrum however we are tied with an unbreakable band that keeps pulling us back into the center. That center is our democracy. We both want what we think is best for our nation. Finding common ground to achieve our goals is a premium and the best we should hope for a beginning when living in a democracy. Understanding our history and the historical grievances that are fact should be a core human trait outside any political party stance.
Monday, February 24, 2025
(#5867) 3 years of boldness and courage from Ukrainians
Today marks the 3 year remembrance in time since February 24, 2022 that Ukraine had to stand up to the tyrant putin. Tyrant putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 to capture Crimea away from Ukraine but this one on February 24, 2022 was putin's attempt to annex the rest of Ukraine. What followed was President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying that he would not go into exile and instead would stay and fight the Russian horde to preserve the Ukrainian identity. Here is a timeline of the first 2 months of Russian attacks on Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine_(24_February_%E2%80%93_7_April_2022)
Like a hero of our own Revolutionary War here in America, Nathan Hale and his dying words at the British hangman's noose, said this: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." A Ukrainian soldier defending Snake Island responded to this command from a Russian warship. “This is a military warship. This is a Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed.” The Ukrainian soldier said this. “Russian warship, go f*** yourself.” On the second day of the Russian invasion these words and deeds of the Ukrainian soldier on Snake Island helped galvanize the resistance within Ukraine and in the hearts of those of us outside Ukraine who love democracy and its freedom.
3 years later the Ukrainians have been holding off the tyrant putin led attempt to commit the genocide of Ukrainians while committing war crimes too numerous to list here. Just remember Bucha! It has been one of the greatest feats of human endeavor for me knowing and supporting the Ukrainian honor of courageous soul and how they fight to survive in the face of great odds against them. That tyrant putin thought that his illegal and monstrous invasion of Ukraine would be accomplished in 3 days highlights his ignorance and vanity. 3 years now with more than 868,000 dead Russian soldiers, Ukrainians are showing the world that fighting for democracy is an honor that all should hold dear!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
(#5866) Writing my daily blog posts are a struggle
Instead of having good things to celebrate and write about if Kamala had been elected, I have bad things to be disgusted about with trump. Over the next many months it seems that the worst of what could happen is more likely than the better and best of things. If happiness could be scaled out, the current level of mine is very low. Which makes for a not so imaginative writing session each time I sit here configuring a post worthy of being written and read. I have obviously lowered my standards in order to keep a daily post written because I know the best of me is not being exposed through my writing.
I am not angry or upset but I am bordering on those two feelings too closely. The title of my blog is Man of Hope yet the hope is being weaned out of me with each passing day. With Joe and Barack leading our nation it was like they were always in the background trying not to be like trump, who cannot find one single day to remain oblivious. With trump having to be the center of everything it makes for a burden that is so damn heavy to carry. Yet we and I must do so because the alternative of quitting is even a worse burden. We know that. However the cost of the worst always being right in front of our faces has no value nor benefit, and lessens our motivations for life.
Which is why it is so hard to find a topic each day that has a richness of happiness and positivity. I have written over 5800 of these daily blog posts and the bulk of them have been what I hope to be insights into how our lives are fulfilled. Yet too many with trumps in charge have been less so. Which is where I am this morning. The trump dismantling of our democracy is a reckoning many of us foresaw yet not enough of us could make the effort to realize the warnings. We did this to ourselves and now we must endure the consequences of our poor decision. People like me who did not ask for this and advocated against it are also now caught up in the aftermath of the poor decision of others. We are all in this together as with any strong democracy through thick and thin yet the thin still waiting to come is what is hampering my ability to be much more upbeat about our American experience.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
(#5865) When we spend our time hoping for deaths to happen we are in a bad place!
Waking up each morning hoping the news will deliver a much hoped for demise of some souls is not a healthy way to live. Yet for too many it is that exact reality that is faced. I am not just talking about random people wanting death for others to occur. I am talking about 100's of millions of souls who are hoping their lives will be more worth living if those souls who are harming them would just be no more. It still makes me confused when I think about how we allow ourselves to be run roughshod over by too many who couldn't care less about our existence? Even when we have the means to stop some of the worst people alive from ruling us, we still allow them to rule.
In my mind I expect others to think rationally like myself. Using logic and common sense to understand the nature of our decisions. So obviously I am not correct in my formula. Because if I were correct the trumps and putins of the world would not even be a memory by now. Yet instead they are dominating our lives with constant pressure to take from us the little safety and security we currently have. I know now that it isn't just ignorance that keeps us from a better life, it is fear. We are afraid of threats applied directly, indirectly, veiled, and/or conditional. Fear is a real thing and is not to be taken lightly. But it cannot be the final factor in determining our choice.
We must not let the threat of fear carry us to a place where the user of fear triumphs. I know that each generation of our societies need to win the battle against fear as a validation for living in freedom. Sadly, the last few generations have failed to win that battle and now we as a society are paying the price. I know this though, the fight to succeed over fear is never over so the sooner we begin to defeat fear as a threat the sooner we get more comfortable overcoming fear when it eventually tries to come around again. Mastering fear is a value that strengthens with time. To be an individual as a human being requires that we are able to rise above fear so that the rest of existence is ours to command on our terms, not the users of fear.
Friday, February 21, 2025
(#5864) I am still stunned that trump seems to have won the election
I have this numbing feeling that just won't go away. It is just baffling to me that he could in any universe have gotten more votes than Harris. I know in a couple of decades some other truth may come out that there was some form of trickery involved but for now there is no proof. I suspect though that if some deceit was employed by republicans it was in the form of eliminating likely Harris votes across the country where there is less scrutiny over our sacred right to vote. If our democracy demands one thing of all of us it is that our right to vote is absolute.
So if votes were not counted in too many jurisdictions then in theory our democracy truly has crumbled. Right now we are seeing the effects of our democracy crumbling in real time with trump acting the part of a king. He is ignoring the will of the people, which validates denying one person one vote, so that he can establish himself as the only voice of America. His lackeys are ruthless cads who also justify a takeover of our democracy. The followers trump has are not that many but loud and ignorantly obnoxious they are. We who are civilized in our personalities and behavior are due to change our approach if we desire to fight for our democracy.
If the trumps of the world are willing to fight dirty with fire then we the civilized must fight back with even more fire. There are no Marquess of Queeensberry rules to guide our confrontation. There is only survival mode for the fight then after victory we reassess our behavior to reconform back to civilized behavior. When the horde is inside the gate there is only no rules. So avail yourselves of the idea that when the time comes the staying alive is greater than the means employed to win the battle. We who are civilized will find our choices disgusting and even filthy yet our breath maintained when the battle is over is all that matters in this desperate time.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
(#5863) I dream of a day when my bills are not on top of my head
I know I am not alone in this. Most all of us are driven by what we owe and how to pay that owe. It doesn't get much easier as time goes by either. At least in my experience. Just when I can see above the water another emergency of some sort seems to appear and I am again planning a time consuming payment plan for that solution. However, I have been able to manage and for that I am grateful. It is not too bad being me when the big picture is looked upon. Yet I and most likely many of you feel the strain and desperation of the obligations we encounter despite the contradiction that we don't take anything with us when when we "shuffle off this mortal coil".
That day when my monthly bills are even with my knees will be a happy day. When I know that the amount I have coming in is well enough above the amount I have going out. Not that I want to be surrounded by wealth, I just want to be able to know that my bills aren't the only thing I live to pay. I like being able to do things for good people when I see a need and when I can't, I feel that disappointment. I don't know what the end date on my life will be but I am hoping it isn't before I can rise above my bills and spend some time and resource on helping people within my surroundings a little bit better than they are now.
I am not sure why I am writing about this subject but I know how I am. When something is heavy on my mind it is difficult to think of anything else. I give myself a window of about 2 hours to write my daily blog post when I am on a workday. I was called in to work on this day when normally I am off. So the topic of bills has been rolling around in my head as I project their payments and when they finally will be less enough than my income. I figure about 2 years without a catastrophe intervening will get me to that desired position. The thing is though I will be well enough into my 70's and still working, albeit part time. I do believe my health is up to it and my mind is still sharp enough to handle the tasks. I do worry about my motivation but the bills, like with most of us, seems to be enough to keep me on edge and going.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
(#5862) I am no admirer of cruelty
I may get off kilter sometimes because I can't believe what we do to ourselves but I never let those moments stop me from doing what I can to make the world better. I am no perfect soul but I at least want to try to be. It is the quest not the destination. So when someone asks you why you want to do good and decent things just tell them that it makes you content and happy. Because that is what it does for me. I know my time here in this realm is much nearer the end than the beginning so for me the less time I spend making life harder for others is a priority.
Our founding foreparents had it correct when they included in our Declaration of Independence the following sentence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." So we know what unalienable means let me add it means universal/absolute. The pursuit of happiness to me is the purpose we all should channel for our lives. What is the point of living a relatively short life span if not to enjoy the endearing emotion of life? Those who work their lives in efforts to harm are not in connection with their own spirituality or our Declaration of Independence's charge.
I am in connection with my spirituality because it reminds me that this existence is greater than me and I am no greater than anyone else. There is no delusion in my life because doing good and great is the better and best of my honor. Neither do I have these emotional senses within me in order to deny them. I have them to be able to experience them. Same with my curiosity. I am bold about wanting to know that which I don't know. I am objectively still innocence in action while also being courageous in strength when my curiosity is piqued. I find that all the good and great in the world is because others are of the same mindset. Just as all the bad and worse in the world is from another form of mindset that admires cruelty as a necessity.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
(#5861) As the lies are exposed what will we do?
What has happened in the past is now less important than what must be done in the present. I have been a victim of lies in my past and it was because I put my trust out there. I had always expected that honor was more important than dishonor. I have not really been naive in my past so my being trusting was something I started out in life with. But since richard nixon, who proved to be a liar extraordinaire, I have always doubted, until proved otherwise, the veracity of claims made by public and wealthy figures. The old axiom of hope for the best but expect the worst is just appropriate enough to identify my stance.
There really is only one thing we can do once we see the lies are fact and the false claims were a subterfuge. That one thing would be to unite together to upend the liar and relinquish him to the dustbin of history. Those of us who warned against the liar and those who believed the liar but now know they were lied to have to unite without the accrimonial "I told you so". Instead we must join forces to stop the threat of the lies. There are many reasons for us put aside our differences so that we may live to see another day within our democracy. All other considerations must take a back seat to the most dangerous threat that we are faced with.
Allowing the liar to advance to a post that is too important to all of us requires all of us to put an end to his power. The only way we can do that is to unite. We are all harmed by the lies so let us put our shoulders together and heave the menace from our path. There are no problems that cannot be solved when we all try to do our better and best. When we unite that is the first step toward an approach that bases itself in the truth. The liars need to go and the truth tellers need to replace them. We are a mighty species quite able to take the facts of what we know and turn them into solutions that work for all of us. We have done so in the past and we can also do so in this present.
Monday, February 17, 2025
(#5860) Long day already
So this morning at about 12:20 am I woke up and realized that I could put my two non working used appliances out on the curb for an early morning pickup by the city. So up I got and out to the curb went the stove and refrigerator that were at their end. it didn't take too long but it did get me woke up enough that going back to sleep was no easy chore. I finally fell asleep and woke up again in about two hours. I decided that getting up again was the best option as it was already after 5 am. the pickup was scheduled from 6 am on. So still thinking about the two appliances being picked up I decided to have another item ready in case I could include it.
The deal with the city to pick up appliances is that the limit is two. Yet I knew there would be a human being coming to pick up the appliances so I got a used wall air conditioner ready close by in case I caught the pick up man in action. Which at about 7:30 I did. He was a pleasant young man who told me after seeing the rather small air conditioner that he would be fine with taking it as well. I had it ready to go already on the hand cart ready to take to the liftgate on the back of his work truck. I kind of feel like I stretched the rules of the city program but it really was a small unit and was otherwise in need of being transported away.
What this all means to me is that I prepared myself out of ahead of time to be ready to let the air conditioner go if there was a chance it would be added and taken. That's what it ended up being and I feel kind of proud of myself for doing the work in case it came to fruition. I try to be like that in every aspect of my life. Anticipating what could be just in case it is. This quote and explanation by the late Robert Kennedy came to mind as I was typing this: "Some men see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why not." An explanation is this: This quote encourages people to think beyond the present and strive for positive change by imagining possibilities that may not currently exist.-Google AI quote.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
(#5859) The psychopaths don't know the power of our hearts
The evolution of the first iteration of humankind is beyond the brute force of desperate survival. Yet the psychopaths are not much more than a baby step beyond their origins. We who have evolved and leapt into our compassion and curiosity are a breed apart. There is a division within our human species that is delineated by a murky existence where a turning point is becoming apparent. As the possible is against this regression, each side is gearing up toward a clash. The stage is set for the destruction of enlightenment or the new found flourishing of it. Which will survive the pain and certain suffering? I say those of us with the heart for humanity over those who cannot feel the emotional effect we have.
I started this blog out as a forum for my understanding of the one true nature of our species. We care and we wonder. Yet it seems that this consideration of mine is not inclusive of all the human species. There are those who cannot feel the care along with the wonder. Their inability is confounding yet verifiable. So we humans are still at a crossroads in our total evolution. Which is why we are still fighting to truly become who we should be. An enlightened species equipped with a nature that exemplifies a mastery of our environment and the coming mastery of the Universe we exist within.
Our struggle as a species is at a fork in the road. Do we degenerate back to our more desperate survivalist early evolvement? Or do we move forward with our care and wonder dominating our time space continuum? This is not a question I would ever have thought would need to be posed. Yet it seems that we are not at the point where the obviousness of incredulity is assuaged. Hence the looming confrontation of evolution versus regression. I know what side I stand on as enlightenment is the food I need for my curiosity which is as much a part of me as my own physical body. Beware psychopaths, we know what you are all about!
Saturday, February 15, 2025
(#5858) Anticipate the social media blackout
When the current powers that be are ready they will take away our ability to communicate with each other. Our social media platforms that are controlled by allies of despicable persons will align to keep us from sharing news as we receive it. Keeping us uninformed is nothing new to those who would destroy democracy. They know that if we are left in the dark we are more likely to be confused and unable to build our alliances against them. We should not be waiting for them to get us into their clutches before we devise our response. Thinking outside the box now is what will save us from total capitulation when the heavy boot comes for our necks.
I am no conspiracy theorist but I am awake and aware. My eyes are not deceiving me they are telling me that the coup on our democracy is already in motion. I do not find pleasure in being correct about this. I would rather be totally wrong in fact. Yet again, my eyes do not deceive me. So prepare for the worst and hope for the best is a motto I follow in my most wise tradition. Our freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution. Our constitution is guaranteed by our democracy. When we lose our democracy we will lose our constitution and then we lose our freedom of speech. The individual rights of persons will no longer have an American ally to protect it.
There are other forces for good in the world but we Americans have been at the forefront of that magnificent crusade. We can no longer say that with the current powers leading our government. We Americans are capitulating our headship of democracy to favor a force that would model themselves as kings. Although I would say that the majority of Americans still believe in democracy, we are being neutered by powerful forces that will stop at nothing to get their way, not we the people's way. When we become isolated from each other the control of us will be easier and more efficient for those who see people as property and not as the amazingly dynamic species we truly are.
Friday, February 14, 2025
(#5857) The unthinkable is happening so we must think about it
No one in their right mind would believe that our democracy was about to crumble. Except that is not true. I am in my right mind and I know it is happening. What I am having a hard time doing is starting to prepare myself for the fallout that will be coming sooner than later. How do I prepare for that? I hear some folks talk about storing up supplies along with offensive/defensive capabilities. I am influenced by this approach in that when the fight comes I must be able to help. I am not one to be a bunkered in person but it seems nothing is off the table since I am not a young man anymore able to venture out into the fray with a physical agile alacrity.
I was out this early morning and the signs of despair are more prevalent. I don't just see the poor street people out in the cold, but I see mothers and fathers who are now into that desperation. The callousness of it all reminds me that caring for someone who is down and out is now the exception not the rule. Surely there are those who are gaming life in order to avoid responsibility but those are not the majority. What is going on out there is less about a defiant cockiness and more about grasping at last straws. With new adverse political policies affecting the poor among us expect to see even more street life with its cruel and abusing reality. Our hoped for dreamscape is quickly turning into a hellscape.
The rule of law is being flaunted by the powers that be so expect that attitude to become common. When the accountability of some is being ignored and dismissed the rest of us are prone to follow the example especially since we can justify it through unfairness. Storing up provisions and offensive/defensive capabilities may work for a while but they are not a solution to what is coming down the road. What we need is an end to what is coming down the road before the road is filled with misery and sorrow. What form that ending takes is what is unknown but the fact of something forcing a change is consistent with thinking about the unthinkable.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
(#5856) We need our George Washington to command the honorable virtues of we the people!
Against the powers that be a force is needed that moves past fear. A force that is both full of courage and strength. A force that is emblematic of what is better and best about our species. There are followers waiting for this kind of leader. This leader must rise up from obscurity with a real sense of what we the people are living. What we the people want in this reality. Like Zelenskyy in Ukraine, a person who is willing to do whatever it takes to bring a better world out of a dark one. We need that kind of leader now. I get the feeling that the time is coming for this person to awaken their destiny to all of us.
This is no easy ask for a person to rise above the life of safety but our very existence is being threatened to the point of no safety is assured for anyone. We need our George Washington to command the honorable virtues of we the people. The time is slipping away for us to have a fighting chance to reclaim the best of our democracy but the moment is not going to last long. Within someone out there an urge to push beyond fear is calling them to make the decision to lead our country out of the abyss we are falling into and up again to a place of honorable living. Nothing about all of this is easy in fact much hardship will be required but the conclusion won't be demoralising it will be exhilarating!
Whomever is going to rise up and be our leader this person must do it soon. We are short on time and the longer it takes for us to start our momentum the harder it will be on everyone. We did not suppress the worst of what humanity can envision without but we can once again stop it from destroying us from within. But we need our leader whomever it will be! There is a pathway for regaining the best of what our foreparents envisioned for us but even that opportunity is limited. I trust in we the people as the greatest power on Earth. I also trust that within our ranks there is a soul who will find their calling and fight with us to make correct the wrongs that have us captive.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
(#5855) After the judges are defied there is nothing left of our democracy
The last stand for our democracy are our federal and state judges. More so the federal ones who are directly in the firing line of trump and his coup of our rule of law. When the king/dictator trump advances beyond the judgments of the judiciary then there is nothing within a civilized response for us to challenge trump. He will have his dream of ruling America as the only power of direction. Gone will be the checks and balances of government that has held our democracy safe over the last nearly 250 years. The legislative branch has abdicated their role as lawmakers and purse string controllers. With the demise of the judiciary there will be nothing left to contain the carnage that trump will employ.
Even the press is neutered. As to we the people as the ultimate last stand that has yet to be decided but as it was us just a few months ago that gave trump his power to take ours I don't hold out much hope of a revolt from us. Yet it is what we need to do in order to stop the inevitable destruction of our democracy. The judges are trying now but the allies of trump who are assisting him in his takeover of our form of government are powerful enough to take down the rule of law no matter how correct it is. The rest of us who are powerless to stop the trump takeover are just marking our time for when the jackboots come for us and then force us to kneel or face the grave consequences.
One thing that hampers us in this unfair battle to save our democracy is that the aggressors are not hindered in their options for strategy. They do as they please as any means will justify the end. We the people on the other hand are not equipped to fight with an all in attitude. Too many of us are not even equipped to fight. We will likely acquiesce to the bullies and do their bidding when it comes down to it. America has lost it's courage and instead is now cowered to survive without individual rights that our foreparents fought and died to give us. Our new American legacy is weakness in the face of aggression. How sad that we did this to ourselves. Yes there is still time to turn this around but that would take much that at this point we don't seem to possess.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
(#5854) Work has slowed for me in my part time job
I would usually be working right now as Tuesdays are my normal working days. But since there is little to do today I was asked to wait and come in tomorrow. Which is fine with me since I have no scheduling conflicts. But it does speak to the volume of the work being at a much lower level. I suppose it is seasonal as the cold winter months do not invite a lot of moving around outside. I am the lone transfer driver in this district now since the other transfer driver needed to find a more steady 40 hour a week job. Me? I am not like that. I cannot easily work 40 hours a week anymore because of my physical decline from my prime and my added physical problems from aging.
I do however want to keep some kind of schedule for work because the income is needed to offset the rising cost of living. I am not in a great or even good way as to income but I can make ends meet each month. Which I think puts me in a good position considering a lot of other folks. So no complaints. I would rather not have to work to make extra money but the times dictate that I must. There is a lot of work I could be doing at home to make this place more livable but it isn't easy with the tight budget and the wear and tear from the outside work that seems to have on my body. Plus when it comes to work my mind still thinks I am in my prime. lol.
I guess I should enjoy this temporary slowdown of work outside the home. If trends continue like in other years the work will pick back up by next month sometime and then I will be working more outside the home. Surely another part time transfer driver will be added and that will help but we are not there yet. I guess being home today has triggered some nostalgia about this slowdown that is both good and not so good. Good for my health but not so good for my income. Yet none of this is new as my life has always been variations of a relative boom or bust roller coaster ride. It would be nice to finally be done with the carnival ride but it seems not yet anyway.
Monday, February 10, 2025
(#5853) One foot in front of the other...
It cannot be that difficult to see the moronic nature of someone like the current president. He has no clue what he is doing except that if he isn't showing brute strength through harming most everyone of us then he isn't doing what he thinks is required of him. His idea of being like the tyrants in the world who can control their societies is his dream come true. Which is what he is trying to do here in America. Yet his die hard followers cannot see what their eyes and ears are recording. The disconnect is what alarms me and makes me ask the question of why? Why are we so less than simple that a brute can control what we do and say through us willingly giving them the power to do it?
Sunday, February 9, 2025
(#5852) Late post today
All I have is a bunch of not much moving around in my head. I have been trying to put some thoughts together about what matters to all of us most but my head hurts and my body is not feeling great. Yesterday I did a lot of yard work and sorting in the garage. I went at my usual non stop pace and last night and today I paid for it physically and mentally. It was all I could do to make sure my driving was safe and productive. I had to work today so being a transfer driver is all about being out in traffic. So I succeeded in that and then when my shift was over I came home to a sudden mess that needed my immediate attention. An hour after that I was finally able to settle into doing my normal chores.
Meanwhile my blog post for today remained undone and my mind slipped further into a void for all my efforts. I decided to sit here at my keyboard and freeflow words from my mind. Not much yet except a narrative of how my life has been for the last 36 hours. I know this much I won't be caring who wins the football game today because for it it emblematic of our society caring more for the success of a sport over the success of our democracy. Yet I get that it is an escape from reality when we find we feel useless and too insignificant. I am so tired right now my arms and shoulders are aching and as soon as I find enough sentences to finish this post I will be lying down for the evening.
I did just have a thought about the Snickers ice cream bar I have in the freezer and how good that would taste before I head to the bathroom to waterpik and brush my teeth. Thankfully there are a few small pleasures I can enjoy amongst all this unpleasant we are currently embroiled. I expect nothing will change that unpleasantness for anytime in the near future so bracing myself in ways that obstruct and shield myself is the modus operandi. We are so early into this current quagmire of political hell that it may seem impossible to eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. But like the last time this occurred we did find out way out of it by revolting in ways that mattered. Once again we must revolt again!
Saturday, February 8, 2025
(#5851) The inferior greed of the American electorate
What is the inferior greed of which I state? Instead of being greedy for equality for all we are greedy only for ourselves to have equality. Instead of being greedy for all to pursue their dreams we are only for pursuing our own. In essence we Americans are not about being just and fair we are about being uncaring and cruel when whatever it is doesn't benefit us personally. I look at what we Americans should be. We should be those souls that spend their lives making sure that all humans born are able to live without unnecessary pain and misery as a rule. Instead we turn our backs on those who we tell ourselves are less than us instead of equal to us. We Americans think that we are special in whatever twisted logic to justify our being above and inattentive to the woes of others.
We Americans work hard to insulate ourselves from the cries of the heart in order to exist apart from it. This attitude and behavior is not the exception it is the general acceptance among us. We have abdicated our humanity so that we can dislocate from the harsh reality of our humanity. We only want to care about what we want to care about instead of caring about what reality is truly doing. For some inferior reason we think that the world's troubles are too numerous and too big for us to partake in solving. So we create our own separateness in order to forget about the world's troubles. We quit on being a magnificent species so that we can devolve back to being a sufferable one.
I often come back to the same conclusion about what we Americans think we have become, privileged and advantaged. Too many of us do not know the hardships that were endured to improve our society toward democracy and its benefits to all of us. We today are unclear in our approach to the manifest destiny we are all still part of promoting. We were going to bring democracy to the whole world so that all could know freedom, liberty, justice, fairness, and the pursuit of happiness. But what has happened since is that too many of us stopped our mission so that we could instead enjoy democracy while stopping to fight for it. We are now lazy and unprepared for those who come at us to steal our democracy from us. We sit back because we lost our way and don't remember the sacrifices and what they meant to the foreparents who gave us our democracy to begin with.
Friday, February 7, 2025
(#5850) We are all nobody until we become somebody
What do I mean when I say that? Life, starting out is a mystery to all of us. We don't know what it is that we are to be in life but eventually we find clues through time. Some of us realize after some time that we don't really have some specialized skill or talent that is obvious so we go out and experience life to see what we can learn and relate toward. Even then many of us fail to achieve that lightbulb moment when our niche in life is revealed. If you are like me you just do your best as much as you can and be open to the unknown as it shows itself. I am not great at anything but I am good at a lot of things that give me gratefulness
That has to be good enough for me because I know that as much as I want to be some special or exceptionally gifted person I am not. However, Life isn't about what we are it is about how we live in the time we have. Being busy with purpose is always wonderful as a guideline to living and making a positive difference in other people's lives is tremendous. We don't have to be a great artist or the wisest person ever born. We just have to be the better and best of what we do know we are. We care and we wonder. For me that is as much as I can contribute to our society. I am always still looking for some nuanced way to excel at a good thing but because of advancing age, the chances are slimmer with each passing day.
The most important thing I can offer as a wise thing to do in life is to be well rounded in all aspects of what our reality teaches us. We must never stop learning and never say we know it all. What I know for sure is that the more I learn the less significant my ego is. Learning is awesome in that it teaches us that we are but very little in the big scheme of things. But learning also teaches us that to become bigger in the scheme of things we must never stop learning. Although my ego is less significant in the big scheme of things I am also part of the most amazing species ever known to exist. We humans have unlimited potential and that great fact is what should drive us all to become the somebody we all hope to be.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
(#5849) The arrogance of confident lawlessness
You should know that you are being played for a fool when those you help into power use it against you. Many of us knew this and tried to warn of its coming but we were not successful enough. Now we are seeing it happening and wishing it away will not make it go away. Understanding the problem is the first step the many of us need to take in order to address a solution. My tact is to always give the wrongdoers a chance to change their ways through self improvement. However that tactic won't apply in our current situation. There will be no self improvement from the current mob leading our government.
So what then do we do? We organize and protest to the greatest effect. We gather in numbers to great to ignore and apply pressure on those who think they are immune to the rule of law and we the people. Every act of protest that we the many take is another reminder to those in power who are abusing power that there is an understanding among we the people of what they are doing. We have to make it clear that not only do we understand their actions but that we are defiantly against them. Not only do we need the working middle poor class in our protests but the wealthy who are our allies as well. The time to unite is now and when all democracy loving Americans form together and protest we are unlimited in our ambitions.
Let us say perhaps that the wrongdoers are able to withstand our protests regardless of our numbers and how organized we are. What do we do then? We revolt! We stop our daily kneejerk actions and force our society into a halt. No travel, no work, we drop everything we are doing in our normal lives and gather in the streets everywhere. Of course life saving actions must continue but non essential activities must come to a halt. Once our nation is effectively in a stand still position we are then able to demand action that will hold the wrongdoers accountable. We the people need our democracy back and if our representatives won't listen to us then we must remove them from honored positions they have dishonored.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
(#5848) I am looking forward to an eventful day
There are planned protests in 50 states at 50 state capitols today. I had planned on being at mine here in Sacramento, California but work had asked me to participate in a drive to Nevada to pick up some vehicles and trailers. It is a first for me as a transfer driver here in California to go on an out of state transfer so I was somewhat eager to be part of the team. I was a little disappointed in not being at the capitol today at noon but as I need the extra money this opportunity provides it is necessary for me to be at work and not protesting the current administration of harm.
There is one particular problem we are facing in this work assignment and that is the road conditions. We have been having quite a bit of rain these last several days and that affects snowfall at higher elevations. Like the elevation climb from here in the Sacramento Valley to the about 7 thousand foot height Reno inhabits. There are road closures on one of the highways and chain requirements at the moment on all routes available. The work will not go forward if chains are needed for all the vehicles we are transferring so with a dry day starting last night we are hoping the roads will dry up a bit and allow for us to travel them without having the chain requirement.
As of a few minutes ago the chains are still required and in less than an hour and a half we will be meeting at the shop to begin our drive to Reno. A clear sunny day of about 48 degrees is predicted today in Reno so we may be able to complete our transfer from Reno today but it may have some hours delay. I am not sure if the powers that be will keep this schedule for today but it will be touch and go for the next few hours. I need to get ready to leave shortly so ending this blog post on a positive note is what I will do. If we don't go to Reno there is work in town I can do and if I get done before the protest at noon I will get myself there. A busy day today regardless of what process ends up being mine.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
(#5847) Wrongdoers should find no safety
In the time we are in and the wealth of knowledge out there the idea that wrongdoers can live in our reality with impunity is wishful thinking. There is no place on our planet where wrongdoers can go to hide from their dirty deeds. We humans have conquered our planet in ways that will not allow people of disfavor to hide away and exist in obscurity. So knowing that, we who are fighting to end wrongdoers of their plans to continue to do wrong are given an opportunity to apply justice. Some say extrajudicial justice is appropriate but I think not. The rule of law must always be our first choice when upholding the values we hold dear.
We cannot step outside our codes for enforcement because of anger or ease. We must pursue the correct course when dealing with those who would void the rule of law for their own gain. Which is why I bring up the fact that there is no safe harbor for those who commit crimes and expect to get away with it. The technology available and the limited livable space on our planet make the idea of hiding away impossible for any length of time. Our species is a remarkable one and when a problem needs a solution I would never bet against us. Wrongdoers beware! There will be a reckoning and it won't just rely on karma to bring it about.
The immaturity and lack of wisdom some show as they rampage through our laws is now visible and undeniable. Some wrongdoers think they are immune to the rule of law. The past is not now with the evolution of knowledge. So their understanding of others in the past being able to strong arm their way through life is not our reality. For a short relative time it may seem like some are above others but not for long. As justice bends toward correctness the wrongdoers get closer to their comeuppance. They may have wealth to slow down their coming inevitability but wealth will not hide them from our relentless pursuit to bring them out of their finite hidey holes.
Monday, February 3, 2025
(#5846) Insurrection didn't work but republican collusion did
The difference between the two major political parties used to be fiscal approaches. Now it is whether we keep democracy or not. Whether we keep the pursuit of happiness or not. Whether we keep individual and collective rights or not. The republican party has gone batshit crazy by allowing a convicted criminal who instigated the storming of our capitol to become president, again! It isn't happenstance that trump is doing what he is doing to undermine our democracy as his insurrection clearly displayed. He is a conman who will stop at nothing to grift from anyone and everyone who he is able. Yet too many dismissed these as just aberrations that did not rightly portray him.
Others say that nothing he did would have persuaded them not to follow him. Their argument was that democrats were out of control and needed to be stopped no matter what. It didn't matter that the out of control narrative came from trump and his allies. His followers swallowed it up and spat it out in hate filled anger. They believe that democracy is only for them and how they think and not for everyone to adapt to their own particular life. So here we are with the cowering republican party about to turn a blind eye to trump and his wrecking crew of unelected allies. When trump is finished with his crippling of our society he will then be able to do his disappearing of all those who don't worship him.
The golden calf has come alive and he is not friendly. In fact he is vengeful and cruel. As his brutal initiatives begin to take shape the vast majority of us will find ourselves powerless due to the infiltration trump will accomplish at our institutions of checks and balances. When he said this would be the last election he would need he was referring to his take over of our government much like his pal Putin. The republican party in their absolute weakness made a deal with the devil and although they have majorities to celebrate, their trade was to be subjected to a bully who will make them give the rest of what they thought was power. They were the pawns and now will be like the rest of us just cannon fodder to the entertainment of psycho/sociopaths.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
(#5845) We are imploding...
It seems that we Americans, at least too many of us are willing to go down with the sabotage of our ship. The Captain has lost the compass and is acting out in a reckless way. There seems to be no one who can stop him so it is to the bottom of the ocean we go. Each day he finds a way to destroy what little hope I cling to a little bit more. It is getting to the point where the end of us is more visible than the rescue of us. How this all plays out soon over the next short period of time will either seal our doom or inhibit it. It is never too late for the narrative to change but we are late into that possibility.
I like many of us are bewildered that there isn't some form of a check and balance working feverishly to interject into this woeful and waning process. I cannot force myself to the realization that we all deserve this because I know we all don't. Yet the facts say different. How one deranged individual could obsess us into inaction is the biggest clue. Right before our eyes the very foundation of how we live and exist is being undercut with a sadistic glee. Yet we are all too unprepared to do anything at all. If anything we all should just stop what we are doing and descend on the perpetrator of our woe. If we all just stop and aim our attention on the one who is harming us the harm will stop.
But it seems we are not even able to do the most simple task of protest. We just continue to go ahead like all things will be fine enough as we are about to be helmed to our demise. Like the frog who won't jump out of the pot of the slowly heating water, we just go about our lives with a numb uncaring. Those of us who are seeing our plight are frustrated that we are still in the minority. We will likely create a liferaft for ourselves and be ready for disembarking when the ship does go down. I don't know what to say to my fellow countrymen. I cannot force you to see what is happening or care that it is happening. I will keep saying though that it is happening and you have little time left to stop it.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
(#5844) Although skeptical I still hold hope America will reverse this current insanity
Why oh why did we have to do this to ourselves. again! I know why now as it is a lack of knowledge on the part of too many who don't know they lack knowledge. I have been wondering for years why anyone could not see the difference between democrats and republicans. What I have finally defaulted to is that the voting electorate in America is so uninformed as to how to be good people that we fall to the easiest excuse to pretend to be good. We accept lies if they give us answers that blame others. We accept pain and suffering if we are told it is necessary for us to succeed. We in essence have abdicated our own intelligence for the belief that someone else knows better what is best for us.
I don't know what event or catastrophe must happen for the light bulb moment to occur for a large swath of souls but I suspect it will be a cruel and brutish event or occurrence. As wicked smart as logic is the use of it has been abandoned by too many of those who find it inconvenient. What they get in return for avoiding their idea of inconvenient is monstrous and in no way an equivalent trade off. What we may see in the immediate future is the continual dismantling of our myriad societal norms. It won't come in drips it will come as a gusher. Then another gusher. The forces of warping our society into another without democracy are working overtime to make that happen.
Yet all told I know we Americans are not going to let ourselves swirl down the drain. A rebuttal is coming and the form of that rebuttal will be unmistakable. When the shroud is lifted from the eyes of the victims of disinformation a reckoning of a considerable nature will occur. The very idea that this current climate of power that is being wielded will continue when the vast too many are inflicted with hardship is not the American way. The American way has always been to fight when harm is obvious and relentless. Those who stand against we the people are about to find out the hard way that justice is a concept objectively waiting to find the right time to commence.