Wednesday, February 26, 2025

(#5869) We must now plan for near future Universal health care

      It is now just the Senate that is left to block the trump devastation of Medicaid. With 53 lackey republican senators it seems likely that medicaid is done for. If that does come to bear then when the next voting time comes in 2026 we must have already started advocating for a universal health care plan. Making lemonade from lemons is the concept here. Once Medicaid is officially gutted by republicans the only other way forward back from that damage is to finally break the current American health care mold and replace it with what 32 other civilized countries have done and install a universal health care system.
     One that involves all Americans for equal health care coverage. Ushering in a universal health care plan would finally end the middle man insurance profiteer that currently only adds to the high cost of health care. Health care coverage would then be decided by doctors and patients what is necessary with no more denials based upon corporate profit. If Medicaid and even parts of Medicare are destroyed by republicans then we democrats must take their destruction and create something even better when we retake control of our democracy. We must have a plan in place ready to campaign on when the republicans do their dirty deed.
     There is one thing I know for sure and it is that no matter how awful the republicans behave we democrats will outsmart them in the end. The reason is that republicans are only good at hurting people while we democrats are real good at finding solutions to help people. Whatever the republicans do in this presidential term we democrats will repair it with not only a solution but an improvement. In this case getting to universal health care is primed up with how republicans are going to leave tens of millions of folks with no health care coverage. We democrats must begin our strategy now and have at least an outline for the moment the Medicaid and Medicare undercutting begins. Right now is the time for the planning of universal health care!

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