Saturday, February 22, 2025

(#5865) When we spend our time hoping for deaths to happen we are in a bad place!

      Waking up each morning hoping the news will deliver a much hoped for demise of some souls is not a healthy way to live. Yet for too many it is that exact reality that is faced. I am not just talking about random people wanting death for others to occur. I am talking about 100's of millions of souls who are hoping their lives will be more worth living if those souls who are harming them would just be no more. It still makes me confused when I think about how we allow ourselves to be run roughshod over by too many who couldn't care less about our existence? Even when we have the means to stop some of the worst people alive from ruling us, we still allow them to rule.
     In my mind I expect others to think rationally like myself. Using logic and common sense to understand the nature of our decisions. So obviously I am not correct in my formula. Because if I were correct the trumps and putins of the world would not even be a memory by now. Yet instead they are dominating our lives with constant pressure to take from us the little safety and security we currently have. I know now that it isn't just ignorance that keeps us from a better life, it is fear. We are afraid of threats applied directly, indirectly, veiled, and/or conditional. Fear is a real thing and is not to be taken lightly. But it cannot be the final factor in determining our choice.
     We must not let the threat of fear carry us to a place where the user of fear triumphs. I know that each generation of our societies need to win the battle against fear as a validation for living in freedom. Sadly, the last few generations have failed to win that battle and now we as a society are paying the price. I know this though, the fight to succeed over fear is never over so the sooner we begin to defeat fear as a threat the sooner we get more comfortable overcoming fear when it eventually tries to come around again. Mastering fear is a value that strengthens with time. To be an individual as a human being requires that we are able to rise above fear so that the rest of existence is ours to command on our terms, not the users of fear.

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