Wednesday, February 19, 2025

(#5862) I am no admirer of cruelty

      I may get off kilter sometimes because I can't believe what we do to ourselves but I never let those moments stop me from doing what I can to make the world better. I am no perfect soul but I at least want to try to be. It is the quest not the destination. So when someone asks you why you want to do good and decent things just tell them that it makes you content and happy. Because that is what it does for me. I know my time here in this realm is much nearer the end than the beginning so for me the less time I spend making life harder for others is a priority.
     Our founding foreparents had it correct when they included in our Declaration of Independence the following sentence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." So we know what unalienable means let me add it means universal/absolute. The pursuit of happiness to me is the purpose we all should channel for our lives. What is the point of living a relatively short life span if not to enjoy the endearing emotion of life? Those who work their lives in efforts to harm are not in connection with their own spirituality or our Declaration of Independence's charge.
     I am in connection with my spirituality because it reminds me that this existence is greater than me and I am no greater than anyone else. There is no delusion in my life because doing good and great is the better and best of my honor. Neither do I have these emotional senses within me in order to deny them. I have them to be able to experience them. Same with my curiosity. I am bold about wanting to know that which I don't know. I am objectively still innocence in action while also being courageous in strength when my curiosity is piqued. I find that all the good and great in the world is because others are of the same mindset. Just as all the bad and worse in the world is from another form of mindset that admires cruelty as a necessity.

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