Monday, February 3, 2025

(#5846) Insurrection didn't work but republican collusion did

      The difference between the two major political parties used to be fiscal approaches. Now it is whether we keep democracy or not. Whether we keep the pursuit of happiness or not. Whether we keep individual and collective rights or not. The republican party has gone batshit crazy by allowing a convicted criminal who instigated the storming of our capitol to become president, again! It isn't happenstance that trump is doing what he is doing to undermine our democracy as his insurrection clearly displayed. He is a conman who will stop at nothing to grift from anyone and everyone who he is able. Yet too many dismissed these as just aberrations that did not rightly portray him.
     Others say that nothing he did would have persuaded them not to follow him. Their argument was that democrats were out of control and needed to be stopped no matter what. It didn't matter that the out of control narrative came from trump and his allies. His followers swallowed it up and spat it out in hate filled anger. They believe that democracy is only for them and how they think and not for everyone to adapt to their own particular life. So here we are with the cowering republican party about to turn a blind eye to trump and his wrecking crew of unelected allies. When trump is finished with his crippling of our society he will then be able to do his disappearing of all those who don't worship him.
     The golden calf has come alive and he is not friendly. In fact he is vengeful and cruel. As his brutal initiatives begin to take shape the vast majority of us will find ourselves powerless due to the infiltration trump will accomplish at our institutions of checks and balances. When he said this would be the last election he would need he was referring to his take over of our government much like his pal Putin. The republican party in their absolute weakness made a deal with the devil and although they have majorities to celebrate, their trade was to be subjected to a bully who will make them give the rest of what they thought was power. They were the pawns and now will be like the rest of us just cannon fodder to the entertainment of psycho/sociopaths.

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