Saturday, February 15, 2025

(#5858) Anticipate the social media blackout

      When the current powers that be are ready they will take away our ability to communicate with each other. Our social media platforms that are controlled by allies of despicable persons will align to keep us from sharing news as we receive it. Keeping us uninformed is nothing new to those who would destroy democracy. They know that if we are left in the dark we are more likely to be confused and unable to build our alliances against them. We should not be waiting for them to get us into their clutches before we devise our response. Thinking outside the box now is what will save us from total capitulation when the heavy boot comes for our necks.
     I am no conspiracy theorist but I am awake and aware. My eyes are not deceiving me they are telling me that the coup on our democracy is already in motion. I do not find pleasure in being correct about this. I would rather be totally wrong in fact. Yet again, my eyes do not deceive me. So prepare for the worst and hope for the best is a motto I follow in my most wise tradition. Our freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution. Our constitution is guaranteed by our democracy. When we lose our democracy we will lose our constitution and then we lose our freedom of speech. The individual rights of persons will no longer have an American ally to protect it.
     There are other forces for good in the world but we Americans have been at the forefront of that magnificent crusade. We can no longer say that with the current powers leading our government. We Americans are capitulating our headship of democracy to favor a force that would model themselves as kings. Although I would say that the majority of Americans still believe in democracy, we are being neutered by powerful forces that will stop at nothing to get their way, not we the people's way. When we become isolated from each other the control of us will be easier and more efficient for those who see people as property and not as the amazingly dynamic species we truly are.

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