Friday, February 21, 2025

(#5864) I am still stunned that trump seems to have won the election

      I have this numbing feeling that just won't go away. It is just baffling to me that he could in any universe have gotten more votes than Harris. I know in a couple of decades some other truth may come out that there was some form of trickery involved but for now there is no proof. I suspect though that if some deceit was employed by republicans it was in the form of eliminating likely Harris votes across the country where there is less scrutiny over our sacred right to vote. If our democracy demands one thing of all of us it is that our right to vote is absolute.
     So if votes were not counted in too many jurisdictions then in theory our democracy truly has crumbled. Right now we are seeing the effects of our democracy crumbling in real time with trump acting the part of a king. He is ignoring the will of the people, which validates denying one person one vote, so that he can establish himself as the only voice of America. His lackeys are ruthless cads who also justify a takeover of our democracy. The followers trump has are not that many but loud and ignorantly obnoxious they are. We who are civilized in our personalities and behavior are due to change our approach if we desire to fight for our democracy.
     If the trumps of the world are willing to fight dirty with fire then we the civilized must fight back with even more fire. There are no Marquess of Queeensberry rules to guide our confrontation. There is only survival mode for the fight then after victory we reassess our behavior to reconform back to civilized behavior. When the horde is inside the gate there is only no rules. So avail yourselves of the idea that when the time comes the staying alive is greater than the means employed to win the battle. We who are civilized will find our choices disgusting and even filthy yet our breath maintained when the battle is over is all that matters in this desperate time.

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