Thursday, February 20, 2025

(#5863) I dream of a day when my bills are not on top of my head

      I know I am not alone in this. Most all of us are driven by what we owe and how to pay that owe. It doesn't get much easier as time goes by either. At least in my experience. Just when I can see above the water another emergency of some sort seems to appear and I am again planning a time consuming payment plan for that solution. However, I have been able to manage and for that I am grateful. It is not too bad being me when the big picture is looked upon. Yet I and most likely many of you feel the strain and desperation of the obligations we encounter despite the contradiction that we don't take anything with us when when we "shuffle off this mortal coil".
     That day when my monthly bills are even with my knees will be a happy day. When I know that the amount I have coming in is well enough above the amount I have going out. Not that I want to be surrounded by wealth, I just want to be able to know that my bills aren't the only thing I live to pay. I like being able to do things for good people when I see a need and when I can't, I feel that disappointment. I don't know what the end date on my life will be but I am hoping it isn't before I can rise above my bills and spend some time and resource on helping people within my surroundings a little bit better than they are now.
     I am not sure why I am writing about this subject but I know how I am. When something is heavy on my mind it is difficult to think of anything else. I give myself a window of about 2 hours to write my daily blog post when I am on a workday. I was called in to work on this day when normally I am off. So the topic of bills has been rolling around in my head as I project their payments and when they finally will be less enough than my income. I figure about 2 years without a catastrophe intervening will get me to that desired position. The thing is though I will be well enough into my 70's and still working, albeit part time. I do believe my health is up to it and my mind is still sharp enough to handle the tasks. I do worry about my motivation but the bills, like with most of us, seems to be enough to keep me on edge and going.

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