Friday, February 14, 2025

(#5857) The unthinkable is happening so we must think about it

      No one in their right mind would believe that our democracy was about to crumble. Except that is not true. I am in my right mind and I know it is happening. What I am having a hard time doing is starting to prepare myself for the fallout that will be coming sooner than later. How do I prepare for that? I hear some folks talk about storing up supplies along with offensive/defensive capabilities. I am influenced by this approach in that when the fight comes I must be able to help. I am not one to be a bunkered in person but it seems nothing is off the table since I am not a young man anymore able to venture out into the fray with a physical agile alacrity.
     I was out this early morning and the signs of despair are more prevalent. I don't just see the poor street people out in the cold, but I see mothers and fathers who are now into that desperation. The callousness of it all reminds me that caring for someone who is down and out is now the exception not the rule. Surely there are those who are gaming life in order to avoid responsibility but those are not the majority. What is going on out there is less about a defiant cockiness and more about grasping at last straws. With new adverse political policies affecting the poor among us expect to see even more street life with its cruel and abusing reality. Our hoped for dreamscape is quickly turning into a hellscape.
     The rule of law is being flaunted by the powers that be so expect that attitude to become common. When the accountability of some is being ignored and dismissed the rest of us are prone to follow the example especially since we can justify it through unfairness. Storing up provisions and offensive/defensive capabilities may work for a while but they are not a solution to what is coming down the road. What we need is an end to what is coming down the road before the road is filled with misery and sorrow. What form that ending takes is what is unknown but the fact of something forcing a change is consistent with thinking about the unthinkable.

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