Monday, February 24, 2025

(#5867) 3 years of boldness and courage from Ukrainians

      Today marks the 3 year remembrance in time since February 24, 2022 that Ukraine had to stand up to the tyrant putin. Tyrant putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 to capture Crimea away from Ukraine but this one on February 24, 2022 was putin's attempt to annex the rest of Ukraine. What followed was President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying that he would not go into exile and instead would stay and fight the Russian horde to preserve the Ukrainian identity. Here is a timeline of the first 2 months of Russian attacks on Ukraine.
     Like a hero of our own Revolutionary War here in America, Nathan Hale and his dying words at the British hangman's noose, said this: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." A Ukrainian soldier defending Snake Island responded to this command from a Russian warship. “This is a military warship. This is a Russian military warship. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender to avoid bloodshed and needless casualties. Otherwise, you will be bombed.” The Ukrainian soldier said this. “Russian warship, go f*** yourself.” On the second day of the Russian invasion these words and deeds of the Ukrainian soldier on Snake Island helped galvanize the resistance within Ukraine and in the hearts of those of us outside Ukraine who love democracy and its freedom.
     3 years later the Ukrainians have been holding off the tyrant putin led attempt to commit the genocide of Ukrainians while committing war crimes too numerous to list here. Just remember Bucha! It has been one of the greatest feats of human endeavor for me knowing and supporting the Ukrainian honor of courageous soul and how they fight to survive in the face of great odds against them. That tyrant putin thought that his illegal and monstrous invasion of Ukraine would be accomplished in 3 days highlights his ignorance and vanity. 3 years now with more than 868,000 dead Russian soldiers, Ukrainians are showing the world that fighting for democracy is an honor that all should hold dear!

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