Sunday, February 9, 2025

(#5852) Late post today

      All I have is a bunch of not much moving around in my head. I have been trying to put some thoughts together about what matters to all of us most but my head hurts and my body is not feeling great. Yesterday I did a lot of yard work and sorting in the garage. I went at my usual non stop pace and last night and today I paid for it physically and mentally. It was all I could do to make sure my driving was safe and productive. I had to work today so being a transfer driver is all about being out in traffic. So I succeeded in that and then when my shift was over I came home to a sudden mess that needed my immediate attention. An hour after that I was finally able to settle into doing my normal chores.
     Meanwhile my blog post for today remained undone and my mind slipped further into a void for all my efforts. I decided to sit here at my keyboard and freeflow words from my mind. Not much yet except a narrative of how my life has been for the last 36 hours. I know this much I won't be caring who wins the football game today because for it it emblematic of our society caring more for the success of a sport over the success of our democracy. Yet I get that it is an escape from reality when we find we feel useless and too insignificant. I am so tired right now my arms and shoulders are aching and as soon as I find enough sentences to finish this post I will be lying down for the evening.
     I did just have a thought about the Snickers ice cream bar I have in the freezer and how good that would taste before I head to the bathroom to waterpik and brush my teeth. Thankfully there are a few small pleasures I can enjoy amongst all this unpleasant we are currently embroiled. I expect nothing will change that unpleasantness for anytime in the near future so bracing myself in ways that obstruct and shield myself is the modus operandi. We are so early into this current quagmire of political hell that it may seem impossible to eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. But like the last time this occurred we did find out way out of it by revolting in ways that mattered. Once again we must revolt again!

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