Tuesday, March 1, 2022

(#4776) Enact a no fly zone over Ukraine

      I will not let my fear of what putin will do if we enact a no fly zone. What I will do though is stand by my choice to enact one because putin will bomb the civilian population at will without one. I know the consequences of my choice but it is down to putin and those around him to decide how far they are going to take this. The right thing to do is to protect the civilians and if it means doing something outside the normal protocols then so be it. It isn't as if we are doing this proactively, we are doing it defensively in the face of horror and tragedy. The United States cannot let a protocol stop us from doing the correct thing!
     For those of us who think that enacting a no fly zone over a country Russia is illegally attacking will lead to a nuclear war I say this, putin has already threatened nuclear war so if he wants to start a nuclear war it is he who will do it not us. He doesn't need a reason now since he has already threatened it. So tip toeing around him while he commits genocide is too cautious by way too much. I say tell him to go fuck himself and let him stew in his own threats while we blockade his offensive against Ukraine to a more controlled way. The fulcrum, tipping point, is now and how we as a species react to how we treat each other is left to our fears then we devolve as a species but if we stand up to the bully then we mature as a species.
     Those around putin will have to decide how to rein him in if he goes to a human being annihilation strategy. In my mind it will never get that far because there is no one on the planet except maybe the crazy who would initiate nuclear war. So institute the no fly zone over Ukraine and do what needs to be done to protect it. We as a people have to stand for our rights as humans and confronting threats is the proper way to advance, not hiding because of said threats. Our world is watching and our democracy is being tested. As to following the rules many of us already now this. Sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness for breaking a rule than it is to ask permission to do so. Protecting the innocent from a madman is one of those asking for forgiveness moments.

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