Tuesday, March 29, 2022

(#4804) Stop ignoring putin murdering Ukrainians!

      Do we even know what it is to be human? Are we now so detached from our instincts to care about life? Why do we need to be away from reality so much? Don't we know that we can make our world anything we want it to be if we would just pay attention to that goal? Instead we turn away because we cannot handle the pain and suffering. If we just ignore it then it is like it never happened. We tell ourselves that the bad guys win and there is nothing we can do about it. How easy it is to do that instead of putting ourselves out there as defenders of the good guys who should win every time!
     I have never been more sure of what I just said. I watched for the last two days all the attention on a slap in an awards show when every minute some Ukrainian person is being killed or harmed in an awful way. There are still a lot of folks who know that the killing going on in Ukraine is the highest priority to end, yet way too many are more concerned about ignoring it. It is as if our United States society wants all the benefits of a free nation without doing any work to maintain it. A slothful approach to entitlement. The old I deserve my rights but I won't display the courage to defend them.
     But it doesn't matter much what I say here because when it comes to any kind of sacrifice our society is not interested. We are much more concerned about what new gadget we can get or how much we can impress those around us with our wealth and false sense of intelligence. I am sure that we are not going to last long as a democracy under the current "I don't give a shit" attitude too many of us hold. If the world doesn't destroy us we will let ourselves rot from within through the republican party and the autocrats that run it. Either way it doesn't look good for us when the insurrection republican party is leading in the next round of elections polls. But what the fuck do I know!

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