Saturday, March 5, 2022

(#4780) We cannot let putin dictate terms because we are afraid!

      It makes me sick to my stomach that we in the west are cowering to the nuclear threats from putin. Fuck putin and his threats. If we do not push past his threats then we are allowing ourselves to be taken hostage by any madman who threatens nuclear war. We must not accept threats, we must disregard them and do the right thing no matter what. I highly doubt putin would allow himself to be destroyed in a nuclear war just so we don't let planes fly over Ukraine. The madness of cowering to a bully is beyond anything resembling courage. I am ashamed at the west being so fearful of what likely won't happen despite the putin threats and instead sit back and do little to stop the murder of the Ukrainian people.
     I would rather be dead burnt to a crisp by a nuclear bomb than to be a coward who licks his wounds and lives in shame. It is beyond me to think that the patriots of the world are less than that when threatened. If I were Biden I would be pushing for a no fly zone neutrality and if Russia violates it then they pay that price. If they threaten nuclear war over it then tell them that the west will position all of it's nuclear capabilities to respond if Russia actually does fire a nuke. Not only that the Chinese will weigh in and tell putin to back down from the nuclear threat as they too will become part of a nuclear disaster as will the rest of the world.
     We cannot allow putin to get away with threats that make us stop from doing what is right. We are not their subjects to be dictated to about this. If they threaten us with nuclear weapons then we need to tell them to do what they must do but we will more than reciprocate in readiness to do what we must do. We will see who can play this game of chicken, those of us on the right side of history or those who are on the wrong side of history. As well if putin thinks he can start a nuclear war without the consent of his strategic military command he is not right in the head. Because saner heads in the Russian military will not let putin start a nuclear war because we won't let him murder the Ukrainian people.

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