Thursday, March 17, 2022

(#4792) putin's lie is unraveling

      Like trump, who lies more than he tells the truth, putin is finding out what most of us learned as children. That lies are too complicated to carry forward into the present and future. So most of us learn that lesson early and then commit ourselves to telling the truth. Which by the way helps shape our thinking and behavior in the best of ways. But those like trump and putin did not figure out that lesson and instead carried forward into their lives complicated webs of deceit and dishonesty. It is like they are so far into their deceptions that the idea of turning them around is too difficult to even imagine.
     So as the Russian people keep getting clues that putin and his cabal have been lying to them and they are the last ones to find out, the anger will be palpable. The duped have two ways to go, like here in America with the trump lies, they can either be pissed and turn on putin or they can continue to believe his lies despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The cognitive dissonance we here in America have basically patented. I hope the Russian people are smarter than less than half the American population and use logic and common sense to guide their calculus. I expect that with the sanctions beginning to screw with their everyday lives they will not tolerate the abject disgust they should feel toward the lying murdering putin.
     Just an observation here about the Ukrainian people; they have ignited a sense of decency and respect for the rule of law and for democracy world wide. Who knew it would be the Ukrainian people who would expose the liars of the world and bring to heel their attack dogs. This has been a real political awakening as a silver lining in the face of the atrocities putin is committing in Ukraine. The psychopaths of the right wing political spectrum are being exposed for their deranged behaviors and a new awakening to protecting democratic ideals is emerging. Thank you Ukraine for reminding the world just what courage and honor look like in the face of right wing thuggery and murder!

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