Tuesday, March 8, 2022

(#4783) No cakewalk in Ukraine for putin

      Amid all the bluster about how putin had an overwhelming force perched on the Ukrainian border and was going to breeze through Ukraine to satisfy his lust for conquering, a not funny thing happened. An ex comedian turned president, decided that it didn't matter how many troops and armaments putin had before invading his country, he was going to fight to the death. A real life story of an underdog sticking his middle finger in the air to the brute and telling him to fuck off! Well the brute didn't take kindly to that and then attacked Ukraine. What was supposed to be a couple days of conquering and occupying a compliant citizenry, has turned into a quagmire 13 days later with heavy losses by the brute and growing patriotism by the Ukrainians.
     Looking at the battlefield that Ukraine has become it is clear now that the Ukrainians have reduced putin and his attacking army to a level where the Ukrainians are now able to defend against this attack. The inspiration came almost immediately when Snake Island, a military outpost, manned by a handful of Ukrainian soldiers, was accosted by a Russian warship and told to surrender, but in true defiant Ukrainian will they told the Russian warship to go Fuck themselves. Well the warship proceeded to blast away and initially the cost to the Ukrainians was complete destruction. Days later however the 13 assumed dead soldiers had survived. A metaphor for how the Ukrainian people feel about defending their home. You may think you defeated them but they will not stop fighting!
     As the world has rallied around helping the Ukrainian people defend against the unprovoked putin attack, the Ukrainians are not only surviving the attacks on them but they are destroying the Russian army as it advances toward them. It is not lost on me how putin thought he could bully his much smaller neighbor and take their home from them only to find out that his army and the will it takes to fight and win was not part of his arsenal. He also found out that the will on the side of the Ukrainian people was much greater than he ever imagined. Now putin's army is in tatters flailing around trying to survive while the Ukrainian people are demonstrating what it is to be proud and determined in repulsing putin the bully from Moscow!

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