Friday, March 11, 2022

(#4786) I have no doubt that Ukraine will kick putin's ass in the urban fighting

      Better to act and ask for forgiveness than to wait for permission to act. I say this in cases where moral and/or ethical obligations are at stake. I wanted to make that point perfectly clear before I begin with the battle on the ground for Ukraine. That first sentence is aimed at the west for what is happening currently. As to the fighting in Ukraine, putin has entered Ukraine with nearly 100% of his earlier amassed military forces, approximately 200 thousand soldiers and armaments. Yet the resolve of the Ukrainian army and it's in country allies has been surprisingly breathtaking.
     From constant updates on putin losses and deaths inflicted on his subservient military it is clear that the generals who are running the putin operation are not up to the task of killing those who are culturally and socially linked to themselves. I will say that they are doing an amount of damage to Ukraine and it's infrastructure but they are not destroying the morale of the people fighting back. In fact they are making Ukrainians more resolute in their quest to defend every inch of their homeland. So the flawed idea that putin may think he can go city to city and defeat the Ukrainians with his morally compromised army is becoming clear to all who are paying attention.
     Eventually with the help from the west, the Ukrainian people will hold putin to no gains as to his overall strategy. Ukraine will not fall into putin's hands. Instead a protracted, deadly and costly outcome for putin is more likely than not. What that does to putin's ability to survive within his power structure can only be viewed as becoming more tenuous. The sanctions on the Russian people will eventually cause them to readjust how they are thinking given the putin propaganda. Because the putin propaganda will not align with reality. That putin will not quit can only make me surmise that putin is in this to the end and the end may well be that of putin!

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