Sunday, March 13, 2022

(#4788) The end of putin is in sight

      It won't be much longer, maybe a week or two, or even less, before putin is taken out by his own government in order to save what is left of the Russian civilization and current geographic control. Unless the Kremlin wants to become a pariah unknown in today's world, they will do what needs to be done and eliminate putin from power. Because the saving grace for them is that this whole horrible Ukrainian event can be laid at the feet of putin and thereby leaves them absolved of the worst of the actions. That will have to be their calculus, whether they can pull that off will depend on the resolve of the west to get to the bottom of the invasion and the actors who should be blamed.
     Regardless of the aftermath effects, the ending of putin will be celebrated worldwide by peoples all over the world. The era of the ruthless and cruel as leaders must be ended now and an example of what happens to those who commit lethal crimes against humanity must be harsh and swift. A deterrence that is blunt, forceful, and unforgivable must be known to all who would try in the future. The Ukrainian people are the heroes in this era ending paradigm and rightly so against desperate odds they did not fold and instead stood up tall and accepted the challenge with courage and resolve.
     With each day passing and the quagmire continuing in Ukraine, with the struggles Russians are now feeling at home the time for putin to reverse all this is slipping away. One thing we the world have learned is that putin has no end game except to keep going on with conquering. Once it becomes clear to the Kremlin that there will be no conquering, the behind the scenes plans for ending putin will go into effect. He, putin, will not survive this as his ego will not let himself be humiliated. Instead he will try to consolidate all power in Russia so as not to be deposed from within. Yet he is only one man while the Kremlin is a brutal institution so the idea that the Kremlin isn't already planning putin's demise is naive.

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