Saturday, March 19, 2022

(#4794) I get to mow my lawn today

      What a privilege it is for me to go to the gas station and get several gallons of gas for my lawn mowers and trimmers. I am not being facetious here. There is no flippancy in my comment. I truly am privileged to do the chores I chose to accomplish without bombs exploding or soldiers shooting at me. I am privileged in so many ways this morning. Unlike those who are currently in aggressive war zones that are nothing more than ego maniacs flexing their murderous power. I got to wake up this morning at my own leisure without the fear that I was lucky to survive the night.
     So as I am mowing my lawn this morning I won't be angry or frustrated that I could be doing something more leisurely instead. Chores are usually not really enjoyable activities but today they almost seem like it for me. I get to do them instead of being denied the right to my choice of activity. I am humbled at my privilege in this nation of ours since the trumps and putins of the world would rather tell me what I can chose and when I can do it. Let there be no doubt today as to how lucky we are that some democracies are able to defend themselves from within and without. The despicable putin attack on Ukraine especially brings this point home.
     I have a large yard so the activity of trimming it every so often is a struggle for me. I am not as physically healthy as I would like to think I am so often I push myself harder than I should and then I pay for it several days afterward. But today, I will just cruise through my work so that I am well rested and not struggling with my aches and pains. Because I have the choice to take the job easy and do it at my pace instead of knowing that I won't be mowing or living or much more of anything I normally would do. Those Ukrainians who have no choice to mow their lawns this morning or do whatever other activities they would normally do on the weekend are in my thoughts. At least 10 million Ukrainians have been displaced with the only choice they have is to how to survive another day.

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