Thursday, March 24, 2022

(#4799) The only final solution!

      I have said it before and will again here, putin must be ended. When it happens is critical for how many lives will be lost in the meantime. the pressures are mounting on putin as the west leaders are meeting in Brussels Belgium to determine more sanctions and defensive moves they need to make as member states of NATO. As well they are moving more defensive military pieces to Ukraine to help them bolster their own fight to remain a sovereign state. As the Russian invasion has stalled out due to resupply issues and less than efficient military strategy, plus very low morale, the Ukrainian people are defending and actually moving Russian forces back toward their own border.
     The will of the Ukrainian people has so far won the day as to the failed plans of putin to recapture Ukraine and absorb it into its alliance. The old Soviet Union dreams of putin are turning into nightmares as his plan to reunite Russia with its past is being destroyed by the reality of the heroic Ukrainian effort. The moment putin decided he could move into Ukraine and take them as his own was the moment that putin began to end his own reign and most likely his own life. This amazing outcome that Ukraine has thrust upon the leader of one of the most despicably oppressive nation states is world shaping for all of us and the better for all our futures.
     I cannot say this in a more sincere way. The Ukrainian people are shaping the future of our planet by standing firm in their courage. Courage is leading the way in how we human beings evolve into the species we would most like to become. We are not there yet as demonstrated by our recent past behavior but now the Ukrainian people are showing us the way to our better selves. We need to stand firm against aggression when that aggression would deprive any of us of the right to exist. This isn't some Hollywood movie, this is real life in real time. As amazing as was the outcome of World War II, this aggression by Russia is just as alarming for all fellow Earthlings to acknowledge and then stand tall against it ever becoming victorious.

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