Friday, March 25, 2022

(#4800) As Ukraine mounts its counter attacks on Russian advancements

      The shock to putin must sting! I doubt he never imagined that his troops would be forced back toward their own borders. They are being shoved backwards by a Ukrainian force of will. With the help of the western munitions the Ukrainian people are putting on quite a display of ferocity and determination. Not only are the Russian troops being forced back but they are being demoralized at the same time. Never in their minds did they think they would be fighting hard against their own extended family under the lie that putin has told them.
     I do pity the Russian troops who are really only following orders but at some point they have to decide if they will continue to follow the madman putin to their own deaths or disgrace. Just following orders when knowing those orders are against honor and principle leaves the Russian troops as culpable as their leaders. I have heard of many Russian troops running from the battlefield to hide out instead of being part of putins murderous plot. Good for them at least in that by not taking part they are choosing the side of humanity over brutal extermination. Leaving their tanks and other battlefield armaments to the Ukrainian troops to recover as well.
     How far the Ukrainian forces can push Russia backwards has yet to be determined but that the Russian armies are now going backwards is a good sign. Either going backwards or digging in to hold what is left of their advances is the current state of affairs in Ukraine. With the troubles for the Russian army so blatant the idea the putin will survive much longer is a growing ray of hope for the Russian military that wants nothing to do with this egregious, unwarranted endeavor. The sheer steely eyed will of the Ukrainian people is a marvel that all the world must pay homage. The freedom loving Ukrainian people have stood up to the regional bully and punched him square in the nose and knocked him on his ass!

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