Saturday, March 12, 2022

(#4787) putin will draw NATO into his violence.

      It is just a matter of time before the putin aggression in Ukraine spills over into a NATO allied country. I say this because putin is an arrogant piece of shit and all these putdowns by the west have to be irking his ego. He is itching to try his luck in backing down NATO with some violation that will prove to him that NATO is just a toothless tiger. Now this is speculation by me but he has to be getting tired of the defense Ukrainians are putting up with weapons form the west. It is just a matter of time before putin decides to let his forces attack a NATO country and then see what the response is.
     So far putin has not taken the west seriously enough to stop fighting in Ukraine so if that is putin's strategy then I expect he will double down and force a confrontation with NATO. Because he is in his backyard where he has to feel safe from any enemy attack. As well he is truly an egomaniac who has no empathy for troop or civilian loss on either side of the battle. Recognizing that putin will try something to gauge our response, it would behoove us to have an attack plan that is more than equivalent. Ending putin would be the ideal scenario but short of that pushing Russia out of Ukraine is the best response. If putin wants to invoke a violation then make it a painful response.
     I know the less fierce in our ranks will quibble about worries over putin's threat to use nukes, however we have to do what has to be done in order to keep putin from threatening his way to becoming the new world leader over the whole of the planet. Staring down putin on nuclear threats has to be our response but in the meantime heavily punishing him for any violation of a NATO country is also our response. Meeting might with might when a fight is being initiated is natural to our species despite it being the worst of what civilized behavior should be. Clearly we as a species have not evolved yet into intellectualism devoid of physical altercations. So in the meantime, unfortunately, those of us who are defending civilized evolution must still crush those who would take us back into enslavement.

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