Friday, April 1, 2022

(#4807) We democrats need to promote brave new policies that change our society

      The price of oil will not go down in the near future and that should make us change how we power our vehicles and other machinery. This coming election will need us democrats to pick up more seats in the Senate and hold an increased majority in the House. As it stands now we are not in position to do either of those things. We need to change the dynamic by proposing new paradigms for energy and equality. We have to promote the policies of green energy and then back them up with exchanges of petroleum powered vehicles for electrified vehicles. A one time exchange that doesn't cost our citizenry to choose.
     The longer we keep using oil products at the rate we are using them the harder it will be for us to afford the shrinking oil supply. We have American oil companies that hold oil leases but they will not drill if they cannot expect a long term profit. It is the shareholders who are keeping the oil companies from drilling as a patriotic duty so don't expect any new oil wells here in America any time soon. So plan B is to move away from petroleum power toward electrical power. Which brings me back to President Biden proposing a vehicle exchange program to alleviate the bottleneck with oil prices. The few democrats in the Senate who will not go along with this idea will staunch any effort now but if it is put to a policy at the next election it could sway many voters to get on board with it.
     The republican party and greedy shareholders will not do the patriotic thing and make America independent of foreign oil so we have to choose to do something bold and progressive. An exchange of petroleum powered vehicles for electrified ones is that solution. The gain also in reducing the burning of fossil fuels would help to preserve our planet while also relieving oil consumption here that is paid to foreign entities that are not democratic societies. A win/win with the cost being a worthy price to pay. We need bold ideas and now is the time to act. If the oil company shareholders cannot be convinced by incentives to help in the short term to produce more oil then let's go green!

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