Monday, April 18, 2022

(#4824) Do not give up on the Ukrainian people

      What we in the wes havet done multiple times is to look at the numbers on paper and decide how things will go without looking at other factors. Sure the Russians have a greater number of soldiers, armaments, and strategies. Yes, the Ukrainian people have less soldiers, armaments, and strategies but they have one thing the Russian soldiers don't, the will to win. The Russian invaders are just props in an action perpetrated by putin for no other reason than to acquire land, wealth, and more power. The price for putin's folly are the lives of those Russian soldiers who are made to suffer in cold and hunger at his bidding. The Russian soldiers are ill equipped to fight given the shoddiness of their training and equipment.
     Instead of putin putting the Russian national treasure toward updating and improving his army he squirreled that treasure away into his own coffers for luxury and control. So the Russian army is paying for putin's personal extravagance and will likely lose the coming battle in the Donbass region because putin is a selfish, greedy fool. Each day the city of Mariupol holds out, especially after the Russian ultimatum for them to surrender is another day that putin eats shit at home. Soon putin will have eaten enough shit that even he cannot put another spoonful of Ukrainian shit in his mouth. Then it will be time for the powers that be around him to dump him where a container for shit should go.
     As for the Ukrainian people do not bet against them. They have over the last several months showed the world many times over that they are one of the finest, strongest civilizations to ever walk this Earth. If the time comes in Mariupol that they are faced with their own end then expect them to fix bayonets and fight to the last breath for the sake of their society. It should not come to that but if so, that will be the way they finally lose Mariupol. We in the west are being given a real life example of what courage and honor are and if we don't stop the Russian horde that putin is determined to infect on more nations in the coming future then we will be shamed into our futures with little respect or dignity ourselves.

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