Saturday, April 9, 2022

(#4815) Why the west should not wait any longer to tell putin to stop and pull out of Ukraine

      Enough! The murder of civilians before our very eyes makes us an accomplice if we don't confront putin and demand that he stop. Enough! I for one cannot take our stance of a kid's gloves approach. The Russian madman putin knows only one thing, and that is power. We must confront him with our threats to nuke him if he doesn't stop what he is doing in all the territory of Ukraine. The time for high noon is now not later after more atrocities in Ukraine. I also am not one who lives his life under the threats of others. If you threaten me you damn sure had better follow through because I am coming for you threat or not!
     That is how I live and it is apparent that the Ukrainian people live under the same honor. What is strength at the moment in giving Ukraine help to defend themselves in a terrible situation is commendable but not enough. It is past time to turn up the heat to full blast force and make putin answer for his crimes. The Russian inner circle of putin will also be on notice for their complicity. If they think that firing nukes at us is their solution they will find out that we have defense capabilities they know nothing about. Alternatively they will be on the receiving end of a nuclear onslaught that will pummel them into oblivion! We must not hedge one iota on our threat for them to completely pull out of Ukraine.
     As a civilized person who has lived in a nuclear age his entire life I know what it is like to consider the aftermath of a world wide nuclear strike. Yet in this instance all the west's nuclear weapons will be aimed at Russia if they choose to strike us. Many people will die immediately and many more will suffer and then die. Yet to give into a madman and let him dictate our deaths in other ways is as bad. If we don't fight for our right to exist in a peaceful world then what is the point of existence anyway? The madman putin needs to be stopped and now is the time to do it. Not tomorrow, not the next day but right now! If we don't draw that line immediately we will be in the same place where another atrocity will be committed by the coward putin for us to anguish over again and again!

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