Sunday, April 10, 2022

(#4816) Stop normalizing the murderous far right and their accomplices!

      I am sick and tired of "news" reports around the far right talking points as if they are acceptable and worthy of consideration. Stop dammit! The far right is a democracy destroying entity that would just as soon return to slavery and debtors prisons! Fuck them and fuck those who treat them as if they are on par with freedom and justice! They are a scourge and if anything, all mentions of far right talking points should be forwarded with how degrading and unacceptable they are. This isn't an all sides are good scenario. There is one side that is good and those are the ones who are protecting and enhancing democracy. Not those who would attack and diminish democracy!
     I am sick and tired of seeing it in communications of a public nature. Just because the far right nazi types have wealthy backing does not mean they are popular. Money does not buy votes unless the media treats them as if they are worthy. So stop it and be loyal to our democracy or shut the fuck up! I see enemies in the media who have been bought by the far right and the wealthy who support them. Just by their failure to call out the despicable democracy busting individuals and instead parrot their talking points as if they are what we as patriots to democracy would accept. No, we don't accept it and despise you for trying to make it look like we do.
     If we can survive this onslaught of democracy busting then the first thing we need to do is make our laws much more amenable to charging and convicting collaborators from the far right including their wealthy donors. If we don't protect and defend our democracy in ways that evolve with the times then we will face other attempts in the future to destroy the one person one vote concept. There are too many who want to be dictators out there, especially here in America, that would love nothing more than to become themselves the king of America. We all must stop them and their mouthpieces from ever entering into the public sphere with subtle or overt calls for treason and sedition!

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