Sunday, April 17, 2022

(#4823) Mariupol is the heart of Ukraine right now

      The media is all set to give Mariupol to putin but I think they are underestimating the wherewithal that is behind the scenes. The complete fall of Mariupol is unacceptable so the strategy behind saving it from the clutches of the Russian invaders is surely in the works. I don't accept the media and their shallow assessments that discount the fighting will of the protectors of Mariupol. There will be no capitulation on the part of Ukraine so fighting is the end game of this tragedy. How help can get to the Mariupol defenders is yet not known to me but I have no doubt every avenue of possibility is being evaluated. The fall of Mariupol must not happen so the defense of her is absolute.
     I know I may be being overly optimistic here but allowing Russia to have a victory in Mariupol in order to complete its land bridge to Odessa must be stopped in whatever form is necessary. I am also getting tired of the gamesmanship of the west to appear to stay out of this when we are in it up to our necks. Because our necks will become vulnerable if Russia continues to overtake Ukraine. There has to come a point where we stare putin down and force his invasion back into Russia. Whether putin's threats come what may. The disaster that would follow if putin is allowed to take Ukraine is not to be allowed even at the cost of a nuclear war. Humanity cannot be ruled by cowards who are bullies! Ever!
     I fully doubt putin is more than his threats and no nuclear war is imminent, Yet we must be prepared for any eventuality. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. In the meantime beat the shit out of the putin led Russian forces and make them beg for peace. A peace we will dictate as the western alliance that forced Russia into a corner it cannot remove itself from. Then rebuild Ukraine and forge new alliances with the old Soviet block holdouts. The putin ill led decision to invade Ukraine must be made to reimagine the old Soviet sphere into a new emerging democratic foothold that will bring peace to Asia and Europe while improving the lives of many millions of lives.

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