Tuesday, April 12, 2022

(#4818) The republican party is insane, period!

      When I think of patriots to our constitution I don't think of republicans. Well maybe two in Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but that is it. The rest of the republican party are so far removed from democracy and it's principles of one person one vote that I can confidently keep to my opinion. We still hear from their propaganda fake news outlet, fox not news, that they are more inclined to follow the trumps and putins of the world then the duly elected officials of The United States of America. Giving safe harbor to allegations that are insane by nature over logical conclusions based upon facts and truths.
     We saw it with the Covid outbreak and then on through to the election in 2020. Where the fallacy of fiction is shaped as real while the facts and truths of reality are presented as fiction. An alternative world where up is down and inside is outside. Kind of like an Alice in Wonderland scenario. All because the republican party cannot accept that the majority of voting American citizens do not like their stance on so many public policies. Instead of changing their public policies to entice new voters the republican party is busy denying reality and making it harder for democrats and independents to vote. Like I said, insane!
     So as I cruise through life in the intellectual sphere and encounter a republican I am always now being shown the ridiculousness of the their thoughts in written form. It is excruciating for me to see and I do quickly extricate myself from their presence. I don't waste time on debating illogic and for that decision I have saved myself countless headaches and dumbfounded episodes. I understand that this is the world I live in and I cannot fix the stupid at every turn. But what I can do is make my point then leave without being caught in their web of stupidity. Because they do not accept logic and facts as real so any further conversations with them only makes my mind numb and I deserve better than that.

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