Sunday, April 24, 2022

(#4830) No republican voted for voting rights protections

      When you hear republicans asking why democrats don't legislate, this is why! They do not vote for policies to make life easier for the America electorate. But they sure blame democrats for not making life easier for the American citizenry. Kind of like blaming the guys who are actually trying to do something while not doing anything about it themselves to help. Sure seems like a petty and irresponsible tactic when they could just vote to protect voting rights and then stop blaming democrats for not getting it done, while sharing in the credit for getting it done. This isn't rocket science here folks. If a political party is just going to stop needed legislation while blaming the other party well then you should say hey republicans, if you don't vote with democrats to protect voting rights then you are going to be voted out in the next election.
     That is how our system is supposed to work. If you are not going to give the electorate what they want then you are not worthy of being the representative, senator, or president. The republican party is well tuned to denying policies to the American electorate and then blaming someone else for the policy failures. It seems to work for them because they keep getting elected. Which begs the question, how can the American electorate not see the truth of things? Well there is no truth in news law. So like with the fox not news channel they can propagandize their narrative that doesn't have to line up with facts or truths. But even worse than that is the gullibility of our electorate to believe a lot of the fox not news nonsensical illogic.
     So when the republican party doesn't vote to expand the dismal federal minimum wage or the right of women to earn equal pay for equal work, it doesn't take a high intelligence quotient to figure out that they don't want those things for the American electorate. When republicans fail to vote for policies that would lift people up out of poverty it is because they don't want people to be lifted out of poverty. When the republican party doesn't vote to improve our immigration policies or enact sensible gun control it is because they are fine with the immigration mess we have now and like the current gun situation where there are guns everywhere to most everyone, sane or not. This is real simple to understand and hopefully our American electorate will start to figure out that the republican party is not a governing one toward an evolution to a more perfect union party!

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