Tuesday, April 19, 2022

(#4825) The putin/trump republican party is an cancer!

      If it isn't clear to you by now that the putin/trump republican party is a cancer then there really is no hope of you being an objective observer. I am one thing with all my soul and that is an objective observer. You may not know it by my stances on democratic principles that align significantly with liberal/progressive policies but that is the conclusion after considering logic, facts and common sense. To be an objective observer is to use the scientific method. So when I conclude that a policy is correct it is because I have aligned the factual data in a logical sequence to establish the best way forward. Critical thinking is a process within being an objective observer.
     What we have with the putin/trump republican party is not to be confused with being an objective observer. Instead we have those like putin/trump who make a conclusion and then fit the logic, facts, and common sense to it. In other words forcing illogic as a proof to bellow a self serving conclusion. It is obvious to me and most of the other learned around the world yet there are enough of the unlearned around that accept what they want to hear instead of what is real and logical. I get it. It is easier to be a follower of someone who acts like they know what they are talking about then to do the detailed work to find out if they are correct or not.
     Which is where the terms sheep and blind followers got their definitions. To allow someone else to think for you is to abdicate your existence to the whims of the manipulative. We all must think for ourselves but to do that and be honest we must learn to be an objective observer. Taking no side until the truth of the facts are established, applying logical premises in order to make sense of the truth of the facts and then analyzing all of it together to form a conclusion. When we reason through logic and common sense, apply analysis to that reasoning is then when we can conclude what is real and what isn't. The difference between logic and illogic is the difference between truth and false. Life is much more interesting to live when we use the correct formula for defining our existence.

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