Thursday, April 28, 2022

(#4834) The parallel between trump and putin should be a blaring warning!

      What trump tried to do here in the states is eerily similar to what putin is doing in Russia. They both are tied to the hip with disinformation. Both seem to be of the nazi persuasion given their rhetoric and lies. Disinformation at the extreme with putin in Russia which allows him to throw young Russians into a criminal war and get away with it. Despite those young Russian boys being killed at an alarming rate. The Russian populace is being led to believe that putin is waging some honorable war and that the deaths, which are now above 25,000 Russian soldiers, is necessary and with noble intent. Well we who are not within the sphere of putins grip can only shake our heads and be glad that trump did not remain in his appointed presidency otherwise we would be facing similar lies to our own deaths.
     It has been pointed out many times that if we don't fight to keep our democracy it will be taken from us by those who have no regard for individual rights and the freedom of all living souls to determine their own destiny. We are currently at that precipice where the risk to our democracy here in the states is real and imminent. The only way we are going to stop the ego maniacs who have little conscience and empathy for the social contract of human rights is to stand up to them and fight with all we have. There is no other way than to put ourselves out there so that the arrogant condescending ones have no illusion about trying to take from us what we will not give them.
     An example is Ukraine, although extreme it is still how all humans of good will need to base our lives upon. In no circumstance are we to be bullied or threatened into giving up our rights as free individuals to determine our own destiny nor our choice of democracy that favors all of us instead of autocracy and tyranny which favors few of us. The founders of our nation, The United States of America, were faced with the same dilemma and stood tall and proud in defeating the monarchy that pressed its boot hard down upon their necks. Fighting for what is correct and good in the world should be our mantra and witnessing what Ukraine is doing, with help from like minded souls, gives us the real life template to follow. Standing up to the craven and brutish is our job and there is no other job more important!

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