Monday, April 25, 2022

(#4831) The next big news out of Ukraine will be the liberation of Mariupol

      It won't be long, a matter of less than a week or so, that Mariupol will be liberated and putin will be force fed another defeat at the hands of a superior fighting force. Once the anti missile systems are active in the eastern part of Ukraine the ground forces of Ukraine will be able to assault the Russian occupiers and chase them back to their own borders. Relieving Mariupol of the missile attacks is the last obstacle to allowing the reuniting of the majestic defenders of Ukraine's beleaguered city with their brethren. The inability of Russia to take and hold Mariupol is a strategic defeat for putin and not one he is likely to survive. He may keep control but his command of Russia will be sorely weakened.
     The tide has already turned against the Russia horde and now what will be left is to stop the missile attacks and then feed the ground with the blood of Russian bodies. The Russians know this as well because they are abandoning their positions to run back to safety. In the coming days the surge of Ukrainians to oust the Russian horde will the the main stories on the news not the continued ass kissing of putin. He is done for and is only a dead man walking at this point. I know the media is being careful in how they portray the reality in Ukraine but I don't care what their excuses are, the Ukrainians are winning the day and no amount of hesitant cowardice by the media it will change that truth.
     Eventually the media will have to report the multiple advances, against the Russian invasion, from the fighting will of Ukrainian soldiers armed with advanced weapons supplied by the west, especially Joe Biden, who along with Zelenskyy, are proving to be a mighty foe. When the media here in The US does catch up and show the reality on the ground the world will know then that the Russian bear is toothless and clawless and a weak actor on the world stage. My hope is that Elexei Navalny will be released from putin's prison and be allowed to run for the leadership in Russia post putin. The oligarchs and military in Russia will have been branded with the astounding loss to Ukraine and should not be allowed to keep power as it is now.

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