Wednesday, April 27, 2022

(#4833) No peace with putin!

      There is no scenario where a peace deal can be made with putin without putin being held to account for the murders and war crimes in Ukraine. The civilized world cannot accept a madman back into the social graces of society without punishing him for his evil deeds. To let putin keep existing after he is held to account for his crimes would also be a travesty. The only eventual outcome for him is equal to being spaced into the Sun. This is what we must do to all who would defy the civilized nature of evolved human behavior. So in essence there will not be a peace with putin.
     Now if Russia takes the lead on a peace without the presence of putin then that can be adjudicated with some success. However, not with putin as part of the equation. He had crossed the line of being allowed to continue to be a force in our world on the first day of the invasion of Ukraine. Same with his close allies who allowed and abetted him in these ongoing unforgiveable atrocities in Ukraine. To smash and crush the idea of invasion based upon conquering is one that should have no foothold in our modern societies. So there can be no negotiating with a madman regardless of his intentions. There can only be a final solution for putin and it has to be definitive.
     The moment putin stepped across the border into Ukraine for an invasion is the moment that putins world changed forever. He no longer is a figure on the world stage held in some regard. He has shown that he never should have been held in any positive regard. His disregard for civilized behavior is now fully exposed and his true nature to destroy and murder at a whim is fully exposed. There is no more room on our planet for him and the sooner he is not allowed to draw breath the sooner our world can find its way forward into a new paradigm with one less powerful autocrat who cares nothing for anyone other than himself.

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