Tuesday, April 26, 2022

(#4832) Russia going all in on it's invasion

      There is no turning back now for Russia. They are going to keep invading everywhere they think they can conquer. So the question is what do we in the west do about the naked aggression putin is demonstrating? Do we continue to sit back and play our hand close to the vest like in a poker game? Or do we forego the poker game and confront putin now everywhere he launches an invasion? I have been adamant about what we must do from day one. Stop putin now while he is still in Russia and defend all borders that he tries to invade. NATO or no NATO, defend counties that are under threat with boots on the ground if necessary and nothin short of that!
     Which means air support and offensive counter attacks that take the fight to Moscow. I don't give a gnats ass about the threats putin has made concerning nuclear options. We have nukes also and our nukes are clearly potent enough to end the Russian experiment. Russia cannot harm all of us simultaneously like we can harm him simultaneously. So putin is on the short end of the stick when it comes to threatening nuclear attacks. So the only thing now stopping us from ending the putin equation is to put our backs up and challenge putin to stop invading or else!
     If putin continues to invade then we in the west have to already have decided what we are going to do. Anything short of flipping putin off and telling him to go fuck himself will be shameful on our part. I know the powers that be know this so don't let a bully bully us! Put me in charge and I will shove the worlds boot down putins throat until he cries uncle! But I don't have to be in charge for that to happen. There are already those in place who are itching to give putin a pounding. Because the next chapter in the history of our world has to be one where honor and democracy are the victors and the losers are those who would subject the world to subjugation and dishonor!

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