Thursday, June 2, 2022

(#4869) The next few days we will hear about Ukraine running the Russians out of Donbas and then Crimea!

      I had a post the other day entitled all quiet on the eastern front. Well it wasn't all all quiet as the media was reporting Russian minimal gains. Yet for the Ukrainians it was all quiet as they have been strategically downplaying their plans and actions. Avoiding giving putin any info he might use against the Ukrainian army and volunteers. But in reality it was Ukrainians stiffening their defenses despite the onslaught of Russian missiles raining down consistently. Well the missile attacks are still ongoing but with less effectiveness and with Ukraine being resupplied with anti missile defenses to shoot down the incoming Russian missiles the ground troops can now move back the Russian horde from their earlier minimal gains.
     Not only move them back but send missiles themselves that will reach the Russian missile launchers and put them out of commission. Russia has a finite supply of missiles to send at Ukraine whereas Ukrainians are gifted with an almost unlimited supply of missiles to fire at Russian positions. Plus President Biden is giving Ukraine longer range missiles that will now reach into Russian territory to thwart and destroy supply lines and armament depots. This invasion by Russia's putin is about to turn on it's head and instead of being a Russian invasion into Ukraine it will become a Russian retreat far into Russia with Ukrainians chasing them in hot pursuit!
     The tide of this invasion has turned and Russia will now feel the wrath of Ukrainians who have lost so much because putin is an ego maniac who murders at will. What becomes of Russia in the end is neither here nor there but know this, Russia will no longer be a powerful force. With President Biden telling putin that nuclear missiles are aimed at Moscow and every major Russian city to destroy Russia for all time the idea that putin would threaten nuclear war now is remote if not moot! The Russians are going to learn a valuable lesson. Invading to murder should never be acceptable and if done so like with what putins are doing now in Ukraine, will be repaid with a harsh and brutal just response.

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