Monday, June 20, 2022

(#4887) The American electorate had better wake up!

      We see in Texas that the republicans at a convention want to do away with democracy! Do you know why? It is because other Americans who are not them have the same rights as them, period! Sure there is the built in racism and misogyny but mostly it is about others having the same rights as them. They are predominately a white nationalist party along the lines of nazis. They want a race war that if they win will usher back in slavery and an end to women's rights. It is insane what they are trying to foment in Texas and spread across the country. They are the dictionary definition of an unruly and ignorant crowd heightened to a feverish pace.
     They are being fed the delirium of their base instincts by none other than trump and his acolytes who are blathering a call to arms. The insurrection that occurred in January 2021, is but the beginning and the blueprint for what we are likely to see in 2024 if the republicans succeed in important races in 2022. Which is why the American electorate needs to wake up and make a choice, democracy or autocracy. That is the choice and before you decide make sure you know what autocracy is. A one man rule with absolute power. So just imagine trump back in power with no checks or balances on him. He will rape and pillage our society in every paradigm because no one can stop him!
     So as you go about your life in the best form of government, democracy, ever devised, try to stop for a moment and think about what it would be like without that best form of government. Think about trump doing whatever he wants, Selling our nation off to anyone who would give him treasure. Selling off your and my things because we can't stop him. Making us do what he wants when he wants it without a judicial system to stop him. Instead the judicial system would help him. A tyrant like trump would destroy all of the middle class and leave only the wealthy who lick his boots or the poor who have to beg for his by your leave.

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