Thursday, June 23, 2022

(#4890) Today Ukraine plus Moldova, and Georgia to a lesser extent, were accepted as nominees to the EU

      The screw has turned on putin. Today not only Ukraine but Moldova and Georgia have been accepted as nominees to join the European Union. What this means is huge and although nothing much will change on the ground the symbolism is devastating to Russia and it's few allies. The growth of the EU and NATO is progressing while the forces against them are dwindling. The putin led murderous invasion of Ukraine has kicked this all off and the sheer force of will by the Ukrainian people not to be overcome by Russian forces has given new lifeblood to those who do not want putin to power grab their homelands.
     With Sweden and Finland up in the queue to be admitted into NATO, the impossible has become regular order. Russia made a fatal mistake on February 24th invading Ukraine and the history books will show that the end of the putin led Russian empire building gambit began on that day. No one in their right mind could have foreseen the magnificent defense of Ukraine and the abominably managed attack by Russia. Both have contributed to a changing world order that now projects toward democratic rule over authoritarian rule. When this all started it looked like putin had the upper hand and now it looks like putin will get a knuckle sandwich, if not worse, for all his efforts.
     The killing fields in Ukraine are filling with Russian blood and for how much longer the Russian elite are willing to let their young die for putin is still an open question. A brain drain of intelligence leaving Russia for a better life and the death of so many young Russian citizens will harm Russia no matter how long this inept and murderous invasion of Ukraine continues. There will be no ceding of Ukrainian soil to putin so his only option is to completely withdraw from all of Ukraine and sue for peace. If not then his dead man walking persona will be his result and the Russian elite will be left holding the bag of one hell of a mess to clean up.

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