Saturday, June 11, 2022

(#4878) putin in his death throes

      The end of putin is imminent. He is acting crazily now by threatening Ukraine with Belarus, Threatening Poland to partition, and sending 1000 tanks to the Finnish border and initiating conflict. It is bad enough that he is getting his ass whipped in Ukraine right now but he would extend his dismal forces even further to a head scratching degree. The only conclusion to draw is that putin is losing it and is in a desperate mode to try to scare his enemies. Well fear can only come from someone who is feared and now putin is not that. He has shown he is a weak coward who would spend the lives of others for his own gain.
     As Ukraine gets stronger in the eastern half of Ukraine the Russian horde gets weaker and is now even more weak with the illogical threats to other nations. Belarus is not being wise either by allowing putin to dictate their moves. If the two numbskulls in moscow and minsk think they can outthink Zelenskyy and Biden they are sadly mistaken and about to find out that underestimating a more talented and motivated force is not without pain and suffering. The era of putin is in the past and anything he does now that relies on his past reputation is a failure to begin with. The putins and lukashenko's of the world are null and void when it comes to being feared. They have shown that their bluster is greater than their bite.
     I expect the Ukrainian forces to start their assault on the eastern sector of Ukraine and make the Russians move back to the real international borders. Donbas and Crimea will once again become solely Ukrainian and the Russian horde will be lucky to keep their original borders. This invasion by putin has royally backfired and instead of annexing Ukraine Russia will be lucky to keep it's own territory intact. Too many hatreds over the years instigated by putin and his previous predecessors will come home to roost and the Russia of today will be but a shadow of it's strength yesterday. This will end soon and the Ukrainian people will be heralded as the bravest nation to save itself from a murdering madman.

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