Friday, June 3, 2022

(#4870) putin is done for

      Not only do the rumors persist that putin has pancreatic cancer but his forces in Ukraine are being handed their asses when they are not blown to smithereens. The writing is on the wall and the only ones who can't read it are the Russians and their dismal allies. Even Turkey is fucking up badly now with support for Russia outweighing support for Ukraine. Turkey's leader Erdogan may not face the same fate as putin but he is putting himself down to putin's level. Regardless, the end of dead man walking putin is so near that I can actually feel his demise coming as I write this post. Whether by disease or coup he is done for and nothing now will change that. He cannot survive under any scenario.
     Neither will the murderous Russian invasion of Ukraine survive. Many more Russians will die until the end is called but that is what happens in ill fated invasions. The Russian military is being systematically wiped out because the Ukrainian people refuse to be victims of genocide at the hands of Russia and it's lackeys. The fact that democracy is under threat also gives Ukraine a needed boost in armaments from around the world in order to stave off the Russian horde and their tyrannical leader putin. This moment in history is so damn important and the end of this moment must be in the victory for Ukraine over the authoritarian murderer putin et al...
     The Turkish situation is an anomaly so far and if Erdogan doesn't find his way back to democracy then his fate is subject to uncertainty. The same with China and their overtures of military display in sovereign airspace. I have some words of advice for both Turkey and China, don't fuck with the United States of America. We have no tolerance for tyrants and their allies. If they want war then they can expect it from us. There will be no turning back for them and with the rest of the west ready to defend its way of life the Chinas and Turkeys of the world would be well advised to play nice or find themselves much like the Russians, battered and bruised to no end!

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