Saturday, June 25, 2022

(#4892) extra something for alito and thomas

      I cannot explain to anyone just how infuriated I am except to say that those who are as infuriated know exactly how I feel. I would usually hesitate to give my feelings on a matter or persons who are so wrong that there is no other response bur to curse at the sky. Now I know that I am sugar coating this whole post in order to stay within the boundaries of acceptable speech. Yet I am no shy person when it comes to righting a wrong and giving my reasons for it with vociferous force. But I have mostly learned that polite society, even when it is being ravaged by wolves, must maintain a sense of decorum regardless of the scenario.
     Like with putin and his murderous invasion of Ukraine. We mustn't call it what it is otherwise sensibilities become bruised. Well I can only guffaw at the sensibilities of some when the ravaging is not at their doorstep. Be that as it may be I am still curbing my verbiage to more general and less specific demonstrations of examples and actions. I am muzzling myself in the name of maintaining a less bombastic and unruly behavior. Be that as it may be as well I will say this about alito and thomas. Given my druthers I would make extra sure that they both understood my point of view with absolute clarity. To the point of them being acutely aware of my argument.
     Along with putin, trump, now thomas and alito, the time for being pleasant is over. My graciousness extends to those who are helpful to the people of the world, not harmful. Whether dictator, want to be dictator, or self considered wise men, I would not give them any deference beyond I would give a recently convicted psychotic murderer. They have no respect from me and as such can expect a deliberately harsh and motivated response if they ever did ask for anything from me. These four soulless living cadavers need to be removed from positions of power and then treated in the manner they richly deserve.

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