Monday, June 27, 2022

(#4894) Give Ukraine what it needs to end this invasion now!

      Quit pussy footing around hurting putin's feelings. He is a murdering psychopath that needs his conclusion. So let us give Ukraine everything short of nuclear weapons to defend their sovereignty and chase the Russian horde back across the international borders circa 2013. We in the west are far too timid in our approach to defending democracy. We should be like crazed animals who fight to the death at any attempt to erase democracy from our planet. We cannot sit back and let the interlopers who murder and rape the world have any ground to claim for victory.
     The Ukrainian people are dying every day we choose not to help them with what they need. There is a long list of asks by President Zelenskyy that would absolutely help them end this murderous putin invasion and then make putin a very real sitting duck among his own Russian hierarchy to dispense with. The world needs this invasion to end now and the Ukrainian people deserve that result. We in the west need to get off our collective asses and get to work making sure Ukraine ends this abominable invasion now! I don't know how to say this any clearer. End this shit now!
     The longer it takes to force the Russian horde back into it's space the longer it will be for the world to heal from this cancer caused by putin. We owe nothing to putin and in fact he owes us for his mass murdering war crimes. He gets no dispensation or a pass for what he has already done. What he will get is his punishment for the multitude of crimes he has committed. So again, give Ukraine everything under the sun except nuclear weapons to help them defend and defeat the putin led murderous invasion. I did say murderous invasion correct? So what will it take for the rule of law to get off its ass and make the criminal pay? What will it take? More unnecessary murdered Ukrainians? Give Ukraine what it needs now!

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