Sunday, June 12, 2022

(#4879) Already Russia is being pushed back

      Despite the pro Russian news coming into America, Russia is not advancing in Ukraine. They are stuck or retreating. Sources on the ground in Ukraine are telling a different story than those reporters who are not at the battle scenes. It irks me to hear even our more progressive news stations reporting a more putin line on the what is happening. These reporters are not in the battles and are getting their information from sources that seem to have a pro Russian tilt. I am not accusing them of deliberately misreporting the news but the slant on it is not panoramic.
     We are not hearing that Russian forces have basically abandoned Mariupol because of the cholera outbreak, caused by the many deaths Russia created and then buried in shallow graves. Causing the groundwater to become infected and infecting Russian soldiers. We are  not hearing about the land bridge in Crimea being destroyed enough to cause the Russians to retreat back into the Russian staging city of Rostov. We are not hearing about the 100's of thousands of missiles that are just now being deployed by Ukraine in the east to overcome the constant Russian indiscriminate shelling. We are not hearing about how Russia is on the defensive in the east now.
     The lack of intelligence by the news networks is appalling and leads me to believe they would rather sit in their safe zones and just report what they are told to report. So be it because the reality of this murderous invasion by putin will eventually expose just how bad it is going for Russia. No amount of sugar coating this attempted genocide of Ukrainians will make it easier to swallow that putin is a monster that needs his end to come sooner than later. I am also sick of hearing about how some in the west want to protect putin despite his diseased mind and crazed behavior. The US national coverage of the Ukraine invasion by Russia is not what is truly happening there.

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