Sunday, June 5, 2022

(#4872) The time on earth for putin is almost gone

      I still say we should space putin but then again many do not hate the murdering piece of shit as much as I do. Instead they will settle for a timely demise based upon civil procedures or even a lifelong prison sentence. However his disposition is arrived upon the when of it will be shortly. There are too many people within Russia that are being asked to sacrifice beyond their own limits and that is not a sustainable status. There are also Russian troops being led to slaughter with generals and higher staff officers being held to account where they have no say in the tactics.
     So much sooner now then later one of them, either military or becoming poor oligarch will orchestrate a coup to stop the putin madness and end the brutal annihilation of the Ukraine people and their nation. A better Russia will emerge that will be less a threat to world order and more likely to answer to the demands of their citizens and not to a tyrant. Early in May I announced that my opinion was that putin would be removed permanently before June, well I may have been off only a week or two. Because the unraveling of putins mind has been obvious but the reaction to it has been slower than I anticipated.
     There is no doubt to me at all that putin will be gone shortly because the Kremlin and those who manage it won't take this much longer. The pain and suffering coming to Russia only increases exponentially every day with putin still in control of a failed invasion and failed economy. Russia has been known for it's dictators in the past and failure on any level in Russia is not a survivable event. I do expect and hope for putin to be gone one way or another in the next week now. We will see but the angst in Russia over his miscalculations and disdain for his own people cannot endure in a logical world. So it is badbye real soon putin and know this, if I had my way you would be made to feel the pain you have ever caused in your life 10 times more deeply before your end occurs being spaced into the heart of the sun!

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