Sunday, June 19, 2022

(#4886) As to this coming election

      With the latest polling showing that republicans are not on a red wave we democrats can breathe just a bit easier knowing that the republicans are not hoodwinking independents. The republican base will most likely stick with republican candidates although I do believe that more republicans will defect to democrats than democrats will defect to republicans which does bode well for us. The crucial voting block however are the undecided, the independents. Who seem to also be breaking for democrats more so than republicans. This is the key to the midterm success of either party.
     Bringing independents over to the democratic side is being helped tremendously by the exposure of the insurrectionist republican party. Who wants to be an American who protects democracy and vote for republicans? I would say very few. So with independents siding with democrats in majority ways the election will then hinge upon voter turnout. With a large democratic turnout the House and the Senate will remain with democrats with margins greater than those currently numbered. Especially the senate where getting 53 seats in the majority is not difficult at all to attain. The House will be trickier but also either an increase or maintaining the current advantage.
     But this scenario will not come into being if we don't get our voters to the voting booths or by mail. The voting by mail makes voting so much more convenient for the working middle poor class as it doesn't require taking time off of work to get a vote cast. For those states that are controlled by republicans and therefore voting has been made more difficult, devising a plan to vote is never too soon a strategy. If voting in person, know where you have to go as to your precinct. Vote as early as possible to avoid same day voting on election day and the lines that will be long. This election is so damn crucial so make sure that if you are a democrat or democrat leaning independent that you vote for every democrat on the ballot. State and national public offices are equally crucial to keep the trumps of the world from attempting to steal this election and the one in 2024.

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