Wednesday, June 22, 2022

(#4889) Russia must be knee capped at their oil refineries

      The only way to end this murderous invasion by putin is to hit him hard where his wallet is, his oil refineries. This has been the lifeblood to continue to murder in Ukraine and threaten neighboring nations. Without his blood money oil refineries he has no income to replace it. He will have to beg for peace because he cannot sustain his armies nor keep the Russian economy moving along. All will come to a standstill if putin is deprived of his ill gotten gains from oil refineries. Now I know it will cause hardships around the world but it will end the immediate suffering in Ukraine and then remake the world order in that region of the world.
     With putin and his acolytes no longer in control of Russia guys like Alexei Navalny have a chance to sweep into power and begin the arduous cleanup of the putin mess. Like all tyrants, when they are deposed the mess they leave behind is abominable. So the sooner the oil refineries are put out of commission the sooner they can be retooled to accommodate the wishes of the new leader who is not putin! So I hope the States and Europe come to the same conclusion very soon and begin the process of arming Ukraine with what is needed to end this wretched invasion and restore order to Europe, and ultimately to Russia.
     Like all things decisions have to be made that exemplify our courage and not our cowardice. We have to be strong every time when life and death is on the line. Even if it means taking chances with the unthinkable. There is no other alternative other than to stand up to bullies lest we end up ruled and debased by them. So let us give Ukraine what they need to do as what their duty requires of them and then back them 100% of the way through it. A new world order is coming so now is the time to lay the foundation for it not tomorrow or the next day when our choices for fighting become even more difficult and treacherous to decide.

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