Saturday, June 3, 2023

(#5235) I will keep rooting for Russian soldiers to be dead until they leave Ukraine

      For the most part I never want anyone to die. But there are some in this world where they need to be dead for a better reality to happen. Such is the case with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Any soldier fighting for putin to conquer and destroy a democracy desiring nation is already dead to me. So as the total for the dead Russian soldiers keeps climbing, it is at 209,470 as of today, I will keep hoping for more dead Russian soldiers who are fighting to oppress and eliminate a race of people for no other reason than to gain power for putin and his acolytes in the kremlin.
     It is a bit of a disconnect for me in one main way. I don't like the death penalty but there are times in our society when the death penalty is the most appropriate punishment. Same with those who invade another country with the intent to kill the inhabitants of that country. No justification can be made to me to change my mind on this issue. Murderers wear uniforms and as the aggressor in this invasion of Ukraine, their soldiers are culpable for their actions. I cannot fathom being the guy who is the henchman but regardless I would fulfill that duty when it comes ending Russian forces in Ukraine.
     Long ago I came to the realization that if you don't fight for life someone will take it from you or others. So not being a fighter by nature I have become a fighter by necessity. I have learned the craft of dealing with defending and protecting life without the blink of an eye. Because I have already resolved all moral and ethical questions involved with having to take a life when my own or another's life is in dire jeopardy. Fighting to keep others from murdering is a duty that all of us should embrace. We are all heroes and full of courage when we know that the good of the world should always prevail over the bad that some would do to the worst degrees. Even rooting for the death of murderers is acceptable to me.

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