Friday, June 30, 2023

(#5262) Why do republicans insist that racism remain active?

      I know what kind of person I am and none of it is as a racist. But republicans deem that being a racist is okay with them. They won't admit it out loud because they are not heroes but they do as racists do without being honest about it. They tell you stories about how the white people are being castigated for something their ancestors did and even then they don't hardly admit that their ancestors were wrong in what they did. The black race has had over 400 years of slavery attached to them from these American shores. Then after slavery was legally abolished they were subjected to discrimination in so many ways that blacks were constantly condemned as inferior and not worthy of the American dream.
     It wasn't until 1964 that federal law prohibited practices of racial discrimination. Yet as I lived in those days the Jim Crow laws were hard to undo. In 1971, federal law required busing of white students to black schools and black students to white schools as a means to integrate our schools instead of allowing them to stay segregated. The political and judicial leaders of that time understood that although racism was being addressed through law the practical effect of segregation on the ground was still being practiced. Our leaders of that time were looking for solutions to racism not ways to deny racism existed. Unlike the 6 not supreme justices of republican persuasion who think that the law cannot allow for harms to be rectified when it comes to race.
     All this corrupted majority supreme court can offer is that racism is not a factor. Well these 6 uniformed justices are not the mainstream consciousness of the moral arc that Dr. King spoke about. Instead they are reactionaries to their bases who are still fomenting hurt and hatred for losing the civil war. If republicans could have their way not only would blacks still be enslaved but all who are not wealthy would suffer the same fate. Yesterday was once again a dark chapter in American history with the banning of affirmative action as a partial solution to 400 years of slavery and then another 150 years of discrimination that is still active. Shame on republicans for embracing racism instead of equality.

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