Sunday, June 4, 2023

(#5236) The republican party is corrupt and anti democratic

      That trump is known to be guilty of so many breaches of law and yet the republican party stands by their man. It is laughable to me but I am just a logical decent human being. So is expect that republicans don't think the rest of the nation is logical or decent otherwise they wouldn't be counting on your vote. How humiliating it must be for these republican politicians who support trump must feel if of course they are not psycho/sociopaths. How does one convince themselves that the fame, power, and money they could get is worth being labeled a lying, cheating, thief? I would always rather be poor and honest than rich and despicable. But that is just me musing about them.
     They are against anything to do with upsetting the tyrant putin so that shows just how much they don't love democracy. You know democracy, that wonderfully devised form of self government that made America the greatest country on Earth and inspired many other nations to adopt democracy. The American republican party is against that. They don't want to let anyone who is not them have anything near equal rights with them. It galls them to have to share in a political system that is blinded to race and gender. For my first point on race how do you think slavery stayed in force in our new continent for over 400 years? And remember, women weren't given the right to vote until 1920 and are still not given equal pay for equal work with men as a rule.
     So there is no inspiration at all being a republican. All they can look forward to is suppressing and oppressing others who are not them. Not a fairy tale ambition is it? I am only alive one time in this existence and to live as a republican shortens and narrows my rights as a human being. Why would I want to do that? I wouldn't but it seems there are those republicans out there who think they can capture your vote. I think they are the lowest form of intelligent human beings. Because hurting people as an ambition is cowardly and nefarious. The pernicious nature of the republican soul and is clearly a cancer on the body politic. Those who keep the republican virus alive are the same ones who would eagerly walk away from those whom most need help from them.

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