Sunday, June 18, 2023

(#5250) A restful Sunday here at my home

      I cannot stress, lol., how much I need to spend one day without the rigmarole that all my previous many many days have provided. just one day to eat sleep and more of that. I would be so grateful for that. So far so good today as I did have some early morning issues around the care of my brother John but that quickly changed into positives so no harm no foul. I also made a breakfast for all of us of sausage biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs. That went well and we all got our fill of that. Once I cleaned up the mess and got the kitchen beck to it's normal state I was able to take a nap and now have just woken up.
     I am sitting here typing this with the plan to watch a little television and then take another well deserved nap. I got all my outside work done yesterday that was nagging on me, from me, so that is a heap of dread off my shoulders. The yard for all it's brownness is still looking good, at least clean. I have work again tomorrow and that will not be a chance to rest further so today is the day to let my body feel little to nothing for a few hours and heal where I have been gathering bumps and bruises over the many several months preceding. I so do need today to be quiet and uneventful with no unexpected twists and turns.
     I kind of feel selfish in a way since so many don't get to find a day to just delink from all that is happening around them long enough to find some quality sleep with no guilt attached to it. But that is out of my control and all I can do is keep myself from becoming a much lesser version of who I want to be. I hope everyone is able to find their peace today on this fathers day celebration, but like I say all days are fathers and mothers and all the rest of the family unit members day. No one day identifies us as anything as all we are. But during these days that do try, I can only hope we all can find some rest for the moment and recharge ourselves for the coming days where we have much to do and little time to do it.

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