Wednesday, June 28, 2023

(#5260) Ukraine's veil of secrecy at the front lines

      I am already hearing from some reporters that Ukraine has hit a wall against Russian defenses on the front lines. All because Ukraine has not made any updates over the last few days. I can see why the reporters might think that Ukraine has hit a wall on the front but not really. Ukraine has the upper hand and Russia has so much going badly for it that I for one cannot believe that Ukraine is losing momentum right when they should be routing the Russians. It is my assumption that Ukraine is keeping movements along the front line secret in order to capitalize on the Russian ineptitude. No sense in letting Russians know any information they might otherwise not get.
     Keeping secret what the Ukrainian strategy may be in the near future will only add to the mystery of where Ukraine will deploy their massive reserve units. I am okay with not knowing the daily movements of the Ukrainian army if it will keep at least one Ukrainian soldier from dying. The time is now for the vaunted Ukrainian counter offensive and springing it upon the Russian forces is surely close at hand. I could be wrong and the Russians might all of a sudden have become greater than what they have shown over the last more than a year but that to me seems like wishful thinking. The more likely scenario is that Ukraine is about to spring it's full counter offensive and is practicing silence to keep it secret as long as possible.
     The Russian military has been demoralized for many months and the supplies to it have been spotty at best while the Ukrainians have been energized and well equipped with munitions. It just doesn't seem logical that Russia has all of a sudden gotten greater than the Ukrainian forces. With radio silence as it were the idea that something big is about to happen is not unknown so that is where I come down on this latest information blackout. Strategy is on the side of the aggressor and Ukraine is absolutely the aggressor as Russia has been forced to react instead of being proactive. I hope my intuition here is correct and the long awaited Ukrainian counter offensive is about to unleash it's fury upon the heads of those who would stand against it.

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